These dogs have all found loving homes.
2025 DOGS

SENECA 3/4/25 - This nice 2-year-old came to us from a very sad situation. His owner suffered a medical emergency and had not returned to her home six weeks later. A family member had been stopping by to feed her four dogs daily. When it became apparent that the owner would no longer be able to care for her dogs, a friend of hers reached out and asked if we could help Seneca, who had been living in the yard with a shed for protection. We had the perfect adoption applicant for Seneca, which helped a lot! Because of a penduncular tumor and another smaller mass on his body, we had him seen for surgery and overall vetting, after which he went directly to his new home. Now called Obi, he is recuperating from his surgery and big life change, but is settling in well. He has a new sister Ridgeback to give him comfort now and into the future.

SADIE 1/18/25 - Sadie was becoming increasingly anxious in her home, where she had been all four years of her life. She grew up with kids and cats, but suddenly was not happy around young people and had snapped at a couple children. Nothing seemed to improve her discomfort, and the family tearfully decided to have us find her a new home. She was adopted by a man who recently lost his last Ridgeback at 13 years of age. She was a princess who traveled with him extensively - even to Africa! We know that Sadie is now stepping up to the throne and will be loved and revered by her new dad.

REESE 1/15/25 - A beautiful 3.5-year-old girl, Reese was not doing well in her long-time home, and was surrendered to RINCAL. We were not surprised when her lovely foster family said they had to keep her - the word "jackpot" was even mentioned when they said how well she fit into their family. Reese, affectionately called Rosie, is very happy and loved, living with a couple and their older teens. She has a 7-year-old Ridgeback brother to hang out with, too! We were so happy for a quick and perfect resolution to this rescue girl.

LUX 1/10/25 - At 3.5 years old, this girl was an owner surrender due to a change in the owner's life. Pampered Lux had been much loved and came to rescue with lots of personal belongings! She had been a bit sheltered and was wary of many things. Fortunately this did not mean she had ever been neglected or mistreated! Lux spent some time in foster care, decompressing from her confusion over where she was and what had happened to her family. As she was known to be anxious around lots of chaos - city life, in particular - we were so grateful when the perfect adoption match was made with a woman who was missing her past Ridgeback and was very open to a sensitive girl. Lux, now affectionally called Lexie, is with her new mom almost full-time, and loves regularly accompanying her to the horse ranch where she gets to romp with four other Ridgebacks! Life has certainly changed for this girl, but she is not complaining!
2024 DOGS

DENALI 12/10/24 - Petite Denali was the sixth Ridgeback from a litter we took in over a 9-month period this year. Ridgeless like a few of her siblings, she was shy but somewhat socialized and quickly settled in at her foster home. So much so that she was asked to stay. She is now called Zinnia, like the bright flower she has bloomed to be! Zin loves playing with her new brother Romeo and sister Norah (also RINCAL alums), and sister Pelusa (a Mexican rescue who is in charge of the Ridgebacks). One happy household!

OLIVE 11/29/24 - A fun name for a very fun boy, just over two years old. Due to changing circumstances in his owner's schedule, Olive found himself constantly going between a wonderful pet sitter and a dog hotel ... It was rightfully determined that he needed more stability than this, and so he was surrendered to Rincal. Olive was ultimately adopted by his foster family, a Ridgeback-experienced couple with a lonely Weimaraner. Tall and lanky Olive LOVES romping in open spaces and on the beach! He is very happy in his new home and is kept very active and loved!

KATIE 10/06/24 - 4-month-old Katie was surrendered along with her brother, Klip, by an owner who believed they were purebred Ridgebacks. The puppies really needed help, so we took them. A subsequent DNA disproved any RR heritage. After sharing the results, most interested adopters dropped out, as they understandably were seeking Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Katie and Klip are prime examples of good dogs who are hard to place when we find they are not truly Ridgebacks. The family who adopted Klip (Felix) were so head-over-heels about him that they begged to adopt his sister, too! While we do not usually adopt out siblings together, we were pretty desperate about Katie's future. More importantly, we felt this family adequately equipped to bring them up appropriately. Katie, now called Lyla, has been reunited with her brother and both are doing well - and are well-loved!!

KLIP 10/06/24 - This boy and his sister, Katie, were surrendered by a private party who believed them to be purebred Ridgebacks. While they had the "look," we were skeptical. A DNA test showed that there was no Ridgeback in these pups, who were nevertheless equally deserving of love and care. They were only four months old, very malnourished and unsocialized. After some time in a foster home, they were neutered/spayed and remained at our indoor/outdoor kennels for a few months. Lucky Klip, now called Felix, was adopted by a family with young teens to dote on him! Updates by the family show him to be a very happy boy, thriving with loving people who spoil him a lot!

KING 10/20/24 - As a big, stately Ridgeback male, 8-year-old King was not happy with his life change. His owner needed to rehome him due to her own circumstances. He came into rescue and went directly to a foster-to-adopt home. It took a while for this big boy to settle in and decide this new home wasn't so bad ... And to quit trying to rule the roost! King, now called Kane, is enjoying cohabitating with his new mom and two dog sisters. He gets lots of nice walks and is becoming a more polite version of his former self. A win for everyone!

ROSIE 10/01/24 - A large (11 puppies!) litter was dumped at the door of a Central Valley shelter. Half the pups looked like Ridgebacks, and one actually had a nice ridge! The shelter asked who we could help, and though we initially volunteered to take them all (!), we ended up with two - Rosie and Roxanne. They were only 2-3 months old, and came to us quite sickly, soon diagnosed with pneumonia. Luckily they were survivors, and were ready for their homes in short order! Rosie went to live with a very Ridgeback-experienced family and their 5-year-old RR boy - who wants to play but is being very gentle with her. We suspect pretty Rosie will continue to keep everyone on their toes, as puppies will do!!

ROXANNE 10/01/24 - Roxanne is Rosie's sister, having come from the very large litter of Ridgeback-mix puppies abandoned at a Central Valley shelter when they were barely two months old. After being vetted and treated successfully for pneumonia, both pups were adopted by fantastic families! Roxanne went to live with one of our Rincal supporters in a home with plenty of other Ridgebacks, past and present. She is fitting right in and everyone adores her. We are certain she will be exposed to quite a variety of experiences and adventures with this family!
OLIVIA 9/01/24 - Beautiful, purebred Olivia had been pretty much relegated to the back yard of her family's house, with no good explanation. Then, due to no fault of her own, 8-year-old Olivia ended up at a shelter. We immediately swooped in and got her out. She went to live temporarily with a wonderful woman who incorporated her into her own home and allowed "Ollie" to feel loved and secure. All she wanted was to be safe indoors, comfortable on a nice bed, and near her people. After this decompression period, Ollie, who also likes being called Liv, went to live forever with her new family, including a 7-year-old male Ridgeback to keep her company. Her family thinks she's super special. We are glad they came along!

BRONZE 9/1/24 - One of four stunning Ridgeback/Weimaraner mixes born this past Valentine's Day, Bronze was from a large accidental litter. The very responsible owner asked us for help after successfully placing the other seven pups. Bronze is a big pup with soulful eyes and an easy way about him. He is a thoughtful observer, and likes to stay on the sidelines. We chose his perfect home with a single man living in the city ... Now called Norman, this boy has excellent adventures of all kinds and is getting very used to meeting MANY people and their dogs!

ZINC 9/1/24 - One of four stunning Ridgeback/Weimaraner mixes born this past Valentine's Day, Zinc was from a large accidental litter. The very responsible owner asked us for help after successfully placing the other seven pups. Zinc is a handsome big boy, outgoing and happy. He was matched up with a couple who'd had two Ridgebacks previously, as well as another hound breed. They live near the coast and Zinc is already enjoying frequent beach romps! He also gets lots of sun time on the family's deck. The family also loves daily hikes. They do have to leave Zinc's new "brother" at home - a 75-lb Sulcata tortoise named Crush. We are wondering when Zinc will outweigh his brother!

MERCURY 9/1/24 - One of four stunning Ridgeback/Weimaraner mixes born this past Valentine's Day, Mercury was from a large accidental litter. The very responsible owner asked us for help after successfully placing the other seven pups. Mercury did great in short-term foster care with his brother, Nickel. He was pretty attached to Nick and a bit nervous upon being separated, but was adopted by a woman and her 9-year-old daughter who were missing the Ridgeback they had lost not long ago. The daughter was particularly excited to have a dog back in her life, as she had grown up with their last pup. Merc, now called Hunter, is being extremely loved in his new home, with his only difficult quirk being that he is not a fan of car rides! Everyone is allowed an oddity or two, right?

NICKEL 9/1/24 - One of four stunning Ridgeback/Weimaraner mixes born this past Valentine's Day, Nickel was from a large accidental litter. The very responsible owner asked us for help after successfully placing the other seven pups. Nickel was the shyest of all, but came around pretty quickly in short-term foster care. He REALLY blossomed in his adoptive home, with a great family with three kids to love him and a gremlin-looking small dog to teach him what's what. He is doing great although he can be quite the mischief maker! Nickel is now called Duke.

GINGER 8/14/24 - A good citizen rescued this six-month-old pup from a fenced church yard in Los Angeles, where she had apparently been dumped. They took her home and proceeded to search for a possible owner, however no such person was found. Ginger was a bit too rambunctious for their two small older dogs and their house pig, so they tearfully came to us for help. We gladly took in this sweet and lively girl! She did great in foster care, and got along with every person and dog she met. After vetting and spaying, Ginger went to live with a super couple and their other pup, who had just recently lost her companion. This family owns their own on-site dog boarding facility - meaning Ginger will have the opportunity for LOTS of playdates!

FINN 7/15/24 - This lovely boy, just under one year of age, came to us as an owner surrender due to valid circumstance. He has a beautiful ridge and is believed to be a mix of some sort. He is a typical happy, active, sometimes boisterous boy who loves people, car rides and treats! Finn had not been exposed to many dogs in his short life, but did well when meeting another Rincal dog and was full of play-bows and tail wags! We had him neutered and vaccinated and he went on a BIG adventure, cross-country to his new home. Lucky for his car-loving spirit!

REBEL 6/17/24 - A lovely gentleman who did not deserve abandonment, purebred Rebel was found alone in an empty house some time after his owner had moved away. He then spent several months sitting at an animal shelter. At approximately five years of age, Rebel was secured by a RINCAL volunteer who picked him up from a shelter in Texas and drove him all the way out to our Oroville headquarters. We quickly had him vetted and neutered. Unfortunately, it was found that he was heartworm positive, meaning he would have to go through treatment and a bit of a sedentary lifestyle for a while. A great foster home was found for Rebel, which almost immediately turned into an adoptive home! Rebel, now called Yogi, like the gentle bear he is, is finally getting the love, care and commitment that all dogs should get.

VIKING 6/6/24 - We were alerted by several people of social media postings going around about this big boy. A 2-year-old mix, Viking had been at a Southern California shelter for too long, and was scheduled for euthanasia on 6/12. He was surrendered by his owner to the shelter in very bad condition - emaciated and neglected. He was not a happy guy, and was showing signs of stress and fear. However, as he regained health at the shelter, it was apparent that he was a nice dog. In consideration of his looming final date, we accepted help from a network of trusted volunteers to get Viking up to RINCAL. In short order, he found a super home way up in Washington state with a nice couple. Viking has lots of open space to play in with his new Ridgeback brother as well as a mini poodle! Good times for all.

RHODIE 6/2/24 - Due to his family's busy lifestyle, this guy had found himself alone in the back yard much of the time. At eight years old, he had grown up with a family and kids, whom he seemed to miss. One of our great foster homes opened up to him and cared for him until we could get him up north. He then went to a new foster home with two little girls! They had recently lost their 10-year-old Ridgeback and welcomed Rhodie with (a lot of) open arms. Suffice it to say, they soon decided he could not leave. Rhodie, now Brhodie, is part of the family and being loved and adored.

HERCULES 6/1/24 - Hercules came into rescue with his bonded "sister," Sophia, and a half a dozen other dogs. He is a sweet big guy with a nice temperament and a desire to be with people, and Sophia. At seven years old, Herc had not yet been neutered. After we had that done, he was ready for adoption. A special, Ridgeback-savvy couple came along - they were looking to adopt a senior! We were beyond thrilled when they offered to adopt both Herc (now called Lemmy) and Sophia - meaning they could stay together!

SOPHIA 6/1/24 - Sophia was not at all happy upon arrival at RINCAL. She made her displeasure loudly and menacingly known. She trusted no one but Hercules, her bonded "brother." She was eight years old and very stressed about her situation. However, we didn't believe she was a bad dog ... just an unhappy one. She made some progress in calming down during her stay with us. Lucky for her, a wonderful couple adopting Herc had an extra-big soft spot, and offered to adopt Sophia as well! They will get to enjoy the rest of their lives together, in great comfort.

RICHIE 6/1/24 - Richie came with his brother and sister to rescue, due to unfortunate circumstances with their owner. All the dogs (including two brothers who came in last month) were under-socialized but sweet. Richie had a concerning swelling on his face and neck - which turned out to be an embedded and very infected fox tail! After vetting and neuter, Richie went to live with an experienced family who also have RINCAL dog Zeus! He is doing well and opening up every day.

RIVER 6/01/24 - River was one of six purebred littermates we took in this year. Super handsome with a lovely ridge, River was extremely timid and unsocialized. A foster family came along and took him in, with hopes of adopting. They worked wonders with him, helping him grow accustomed to enjoying humans and life in a home. However he could not get over his fear of cars, and this did not work for the active family caring for him. River went to another foster home, along with littermate Denali, and further progressed into being a wonderful house dog. He was adopted by a great couple with lots of big dog experience! They understood his special needs for taking things slowly and not being pushed ... He is doing great with them and his two new canine companions, a lab and a doberman. He is so loving that they call him Romeo!

POPPYSEED 6/1/24 - The beautiful Poppyseed arrived with siblings and three older dogs. All the six-month-old pups were quite fearful and withdrawn. Much work was put into this gorgeous girl, who has such a difficult time trusting. A wonderful, Ridgeback-experienced woman came along and wanted to adopt her, despite her needs. It seemed like the perfect fit to us, and off they went! Life is still quite challenging to Poppy, now known as Emma ... but she is make slow and steady strides and is definitely loved and exactly where she needs to be.

BOLT 6/1/24 - This little rascal hitched a ride with five Ridgebacks coming in to rescue. At 9 years of age, Bolt was a bit anxious about leaving his long-time home. But he did well in foster care and was soon off to a new home with some extra little buddies to play with. He is now called Miles (after Mile Davis!) and is realizing that he is where he was meant to be. He's even mastered the doggie door and found his own place on his new mom's lap. He also gets to help milk the goats ... can't beat fresh goat's milk! Nothing but happy days ahead, Miles!

ZERO 5/26/24 - This boy's background was a bit of an unknown, however it was believed that his owner had died and he was left without a home. Zero is a purebred, just under five years of age and almost 100 lbs. He came into foster at Rincal, and of course the foster mom couldn't bear to part with him. He is living with a 2022 Rincal alum, Milo! The boys aren't best of friends quite yet, but are tolerating each other's existence. They'll get there!

JOE 4/29/24 - Sweet little Joe was found collapsed in a Fresno neighborhood. A resident found him and called for help. It was originally thought that he had been hit by a car, but a vet later opined that his broken front leg appeared to have been a deliberate injury. The local vet took care of the leg and neutered him at the same time, and then one of our long-time transport volunteers drove him to RINCAL headquarters. We found a foster home for him during his recuperation, and after his splint changes had been finalized he went to another foster home to learn more about living in a loving home. Although he may likely have a permanent limp due to his injury, this little boy has a fabulous life ahead! He was adopted by a great couple who will give him everything he needs, and more! They are calling him Koa - the Hawaiian word for warrior. They say the name "fits his life journey and resilience, so far." It's also the name of an exotic Hawaiian wood that matches his coat. Sounds perfect!

MIRANDA 4/24/24 - A pretty little slice of love, Miranda came into rescue after we were alerted to her presence in a crowded shelter in Southern California. Within days of being pulled and in foster care, it was apparent that she was sick puppy. On top of that, Miranda was very fearful - of people and other things! After much vetting, we found that she had pneumonia and nasal mites, of all things! It was a bit of a struggle getting her healthy, but her new parents persevered and together we made it happen! Now called Winnie, this girl is FULL of life and is rambunctious and a little bit wild at times! After she was cleared by the vet, Winnie gained another Rincal dog as a sister - Karma (Poppy). So much fun ahead!

JET 4/24/24 - A purebred 8-month-old boy was found on the streets and taken in a by a kind couple. He was registered at the shelter and no one came forward for him. The couple wanted to give him a home, however their circumstances weren't perfect at the time. Jet came to us via a wonderful man with the Pilots N Paws program - he flew out from Arizona to California in style, and exited the plane quite boisterously. The very handsome Jet made several friends in foster care and we knew he needed to live with another dog. Off he went to Northern California, where he lives with a very nice family and their 9-year-old Ridgeback mix. Jet, now called Hank, is doing everything in his power to keep his big brother on his toes! They have a big yard, go on lots of walks, and even go out to restaurants in the area!

BLUE 4/13/24 - Who could resist a face like this? Adorable Blue came to rescue with his brother Thor at 6 months of age; three other siblings followed shortly. Unsocialized but extremely sweet, Blue was the first of the group adopted, after spending time in foster care and learning how to live in a house. He is still working on being a confident dog, but loves his new mom and is getting along pretty well with his cat sister. He most definitely has a wonderful life ahead!

THOR 4/13/24 - This pretty boy came to rescue with his brother Blue at six months of age. They were followed soon thereafter by three other siblings. He was a timid boy, like the others, but a foster home with a well-adjusted Ridgeback helped him gain confidence. Thor was adopted by a family in Southern California who loves to hike and go on day trips to the beach and elsewhere. He has a new big sister, also a Ridgeback!

HUDSON 4/11/24 - Tall, lanky, leggy Hudson was very loved by his first family! However he was not happy with the family’s decrease in available time to spend with him. Weighing their options, they felt the best thing they could do for Hudson was to give him the chance for a more fulfilling life. They kept him and loved him while we searched for the perfect situation for him. Unfortunately, the first family he went to did not work out for Hudson. While everyone was very sad about that, we did the right thing and found a great home with this boy where he can be with his dad full-time and experience the many wonders of the world!

FAITH 3/14/24 - We were contacted by a shelter in Southern California who had Faith, a lovely young girl who they labeled as a Ridgeback. She certainly fits the image, though lacking a ridge. As she is a very nice girl needing help as her days were dwindling at the busy shelter, we took her into Rincal and put her in foster care with a great family with lots of Ridgeback and fostering experience. Poor Faith came with a bad case of kennel cough deemed pre-pneumonia. Vetting was needed, as well as spaying. She unfortunately was found to be pregnant during the spay - something the shelter had missed. After her recovery from illness and surgery, Faith began to flourish. She was adopted by a young couple but turned out to miss her foster family so very much that she was returned to and adopted by them. Now going by the name Imani, she is where she is supposed to be.

BELLA 3/09/24 - Gentle girl Bella was an owner surrender along with Zeus. At just 4.5 years of age, she had probably had several litters. While somewhat anxious and unsure when she arrived at rescue, it was clear that Bella was a good dog in need of a loving home. After spending a bit of time decompressing at the RINCAL headquarters, Bella went to a foster home. There she learned to live in a house, and had another dog to show her the ropes - a rescue from Ridgebacks and Friends in Southern California! Bella began to blossom there, and the foster mom and the other dog got attached to her, and she to them, and the rest is history!

ZEUS 3/09/24 - Zeus was an owner surrender along with Bella. At only 6.5 months of age, purebred Zeus was a bit of an awkward mess, having no real socialization outside of his former home. He is a beautiful boy and appeared to want love and affection, but wasn’t quite sure how to trust strangers. A very experienced Ridgeback family took a chance on this boy. Zeus went to live with them and their 5-year-old female Ridgeback, who was missing the family dog who had recently passed away. It didn’t take long for Zeus to come around and realize that living with a big, busy, active family was fun! He is doing better every day and fitting in great! His clownish self is coming to light, earning him the new name Marty (because he’s the party!).

UCHE 3/08/24 - At only 7 months of age, this pretty purebred girl was found wandering the streets. After no one stepped up to claim her, the shelter turned her over to RINCAL. While she loved people, Uche was terrified of the big wide world! We bestowed her name upon her as one of the meanings of Uche is willful and determined - and as she climbed into her rescuers arms like a monkey and allowed them to carry her into her foster home, and then crab-crawled her way along the scary tiled floor - Uche definitely suited her! Unfortunately Uche was one of our unlucky 2024 dogs who got pneumonia. She was the easiest case and it didn't get her down for long, but did delay her getting a home. She had a great time in foster care, though, and learned dog skills from the resident dogs. Ultimately, Uche went to an awesome home with two active adults and a big brother Ridgeback! She is thriving and entertaining and loving life.

XANDER 3/05/24 - Petite and sweet Xander came from a packed shelter, along with Ryder. While Ryder was robust and healthy, Xander was a bit down and subdued upon arrival. He was extremely precious and affectionate, though, and we initially chalked it up to him being scared and worried. There was almost immediately an application to adopt this little boy, and we loved the applicant and couldn’t wait for Xander to be vetted and moved along! However, toward the end of his first week in foster care, Xander stopped eating and began coughing. We took him to the vet, who immediately sent him to the ER. Xander was diagnosed with severe pneumonia. We were devastated, as was the family who was looking forward to taking him into their life. Already treasured by many, Xander passed away one week after his arrival at Rincal. He deserved so much more.

RYDER 3/05/24 - We acquired Ryder and Xander together from a crowded Central Valley shelter. Ryder was a healthy, big boy who had been at the shelter for two months and his exit time was past due. He was so happy to get out of there! He needed to learn a few house manners as he was so used to living in his small kennel space for too long of a time. But he did great in foster care and was very good with the older Ridgeback mix in the home as well as the teeny tiny Yorkshire terrier. A family came to meet Ryder and fell in love instantly! Even their older pit mix took to him - she was the ultimate decision maker in Ryder going to live with them. His new family socializes with other dogs quite often, and Ryder is having the time of his life romping in their big yard and playing with all the new friends he is making!

KARMA 3/05/24 - A true survivor in the Ridgeback world, Karma was spotted by the newly-elected mayor of a small Oklahoma town, running in a seemingly aimless manner. She had quite obviously recently given birth and looked to be in a panic. While the town didn't have an actual animal shelter, the mayor took it upon herself to follow up with the sheriff about this poor mama dog, a purebred Ridgeback. About a month later, she was located in an abandoned house with four mixed breed, ridged puppies (Willow, Luna, Tusc and Rolo). It was deciphered by the mayor and sheriff that Karma had been owned by a not nice person, and so she and her little family were taken to a holding facility of sorts, until RINCAL could arrange for their transport. Karma was quite shut down upon initially reaching her foster home. She then developed pneumonia with three other RINCAL dogs, making her rehab slower than usual. But she persevered, blossomed, and is now living in Southern California with a wonderful Ridgeback couple and their other new RINCAL dog, Winnie! We are so excited to have these dogs living together in an amazing home. Karma is now going by the name Poppy.

TUSC 3/05/24 - Four puppies came to us with their mother, Karma, from an abuse case in another state. All of the dogs were covered in ticks but surprisingly healthy for all they had endured, included their long trip to California. They all have beautiful brindle coats and complete ridges, which they got from their mama. A DNA test revealed that they are 50% Rhodesian Ridgeback and 50% Cane Corso! We can’t wait to see how they turn out as adults! Tusc stayed on permanently with his foster family! He will grow up under the guidance of three other dogs, two being Ridgebacks. Lucky boy!

ROLO 3/05/24 - Four puppies came to us with their mother, Karma, from an abuse case in another state. All of the dogs were covered in ticks but surprisingly healthy for all they had endured, included their long trip to California. They all have beautiful brindle coats and complete ridges, which they got from their mama. A DNA test revealed that they are 50% Rhodesian Ridgeback and 50% Cane Corso! We can’t wait to see how they turn out as adults! Rolo got a great home with a family experienced with Ridgebacks. He lives with another dog and teens and will surely get plenty of physical and mental stimulation!

WILLOW 3/05/24 - Four puppies came to us with their mother, Karma, from an abuse case in another state. All of the dogs were covered in ticks but surprisingly healthy for all they had endured, included their long trip to California. They all have beautiful brindle coats and complete ridges, which they got from their mama. A DNA test revealed that they are 50% Rhodesian Ridgeback and 50% Cane Corso! We can’t wait to see how they turn out as adults! Willow, now called Raava, is living in a very experienced Ridgeback home! She is the only female in a pack of half a dozen Ridgebacks who will be her mentors until she decides to take over.

LUNA 3/05/24 - Four puppies came to us with their mother, Karma, from an abuse case in another state. All of the dogs were covered in ticks but surprisingly healthy for all they had endured, included their long trip to California. They all have beautiful brindle coats and complete ridges, which they got from their mama. A DNA test revealed that they are 50% Rhodesian Ridgeback and 50% Cane Corso! We can’t wait to see how they turn out as adults! Luna, now called Shadow, was adopted by a family in the PNW and is having a great time growing up with three brothers - two human and one Ridgeback!

RANGER 2/26/24 - This big boy was only 51 lbs. when he was confiscated by Animal Control in a cruelty case involving 156 animals in Southern California on 1/3/24. He was a walking skeleton - amazing that he survived. Because of the court case as well as his poor health, he was not available for rescue until late February, when he was taken in by RINCAL. A whopping 90 lbs. now, Ranger is living in Oregon with his new dad and two other rescue dogs to have fun with. Well deserved, Ranger!

BUMI 2/25/24 - 18-month-old Bumi was not getting along with the older male Ridgeback in his home. Their fighting was become worse, and the owners were not able to curtail the dogs’ dislike for one another. Purebred Bumi came to Rincal and was delightful, but stressed at his new situation. He showed no aggression toward any other dog, and in fact seemed drawn to their company. We placed Bumi in a home with two children and a young female Ridgeback for companionship. He is very busy now on outdoor adventures and is growing up beautifully!

NALA 2/21/24 - Darling young Nala had outgrown her family’s small space and they felt she needed someone with more time to give her. At just 14 months, this purebred girl had a lot of energy and needed more attention. It was a very hard thing for them to do, but they surrendered her to Rincal, tearfully. Nala was a very easy girl to have in foster care - and fit in so well that her foster family adopted her! She lives with another Ridgeback and is busy having many outdoor excursions and learning new things every day. She is now called Sarah, and is well-loved by her new family, who can’t believe their good fortune. It should be noted that Sarah adores wandering the garden and helping herself to lettuce and tomatoes.

FIONA 2/19/24- Listed as a Redbone Hound/Rhodesian Ridgeback, Fiona came to us from a shelter in Houston, TX. Approximately 5 years old and heartworm positive, she was in dire straights and needed rescuing. A petite little thing at only 46 lbs., Fiona was put into foster care for some time before the right home came along for her, who would see her through her heartworm treatment. A DNA test revealed that she is 63% Treeing Walker Coonhound, with smatterings of 11 other breeds thrown in, including coyote!! Fiona is now living her life with a lovely family and their young male Ridgeback. She is on her way to being healthy, but is already quite happy.

ZIGGY 2/10/24 - Big purebred ridgeless Ziggy was an owner surrender at 18 months of age. He was anxious and agitated around the kids and their growing social circles. It was felt that a safer and happier environment would be with a different living situation. It took a bit of time for this very good-looking boy to find the perfect home - but he did! He had spent a lot of time in foster care with a Ridgeback person and her own big boy, and they got along so very well that we just knew he needed a canine companion to live with. Ziggy went to live with an experienced Ridgeback couple and their Rottweiler girl in New Mexico! The heat will certainly suit this sun-worshipping guy.

ZURI 2/02/24 - This purebred, youthful 6.5-year-old girl was an owner surrender. Her first young owner had gotten busy in life and left her with a family member, who ultimately realized she couldn’t give Zuri what she needed. We felt fortunate to be able to take her into rescue! She was an exemplary houseguest in foster care and it did not take long to get her vetted and spayed and matched with a previous Rincal adopter. Zuri went off to live with another Rincal alum, who was surprisingly a bit miffed to have to share his family with her … It’s a work in progress, but Zuri is adored by her new parents and having a great life!

BERT 1/14/24 - As a young puppy, Bert came into rescue in rough shape. Evidence was found by Animal Control and the treating veterinarian that someone had glued a firecracker to the little boy’s back and lit it! The puppy sustained major burns and other injuries and spent much time at the emergency vet and then in recovery. Bert grew into a sort of grumpy guy - who could blame him? - and lived the next eight years with a family who loved him and worked with his many quirks. Unfortunately, Bert got to the point that he was really not enjoying anything in life, and was displaying dangerous behaviors. After careful consideration and determination that his quality of life had become insupportable, we chose to humanely euthanize and let Bert peacefully move on while he could still understand love and compassion.
2023 DOGS

BUSTER 11/16/2023 - Buster was in foster care with another rescue for a long time … They did not have Ridgeback connections and were unable to find him a home. We took him in - this boisterous, happy boy with the full ridge - and kept him safe until the perfect adopter came along. Buster reminded his new dad of his former dog, and he was delighted to take this big guy into his home. Buster really lucked out in joining an active, fun family!!

NASH 11/14/23 - Handsome and remarkably mature for his age, Nash came to Rincal due to illness in his family. We were very grateful that they entrusted his well-being to us, especially since finding him a new home was the kindest thing they could do for this 19-month-old boy. Although he did indeed miss his first family, Nash adjusted very quickly as he delighted in human affection! As he was obviously good with people old and young alike, we chose a new family for him consisting of a mom and dad and 10-year-old (human) brother. Nash is being adored and showered with love. He is having fun playing with his people, going on long walks, and generally being spoiled. All well deserved!

ENZO 11/11/2023 - Purebred and liver-nosed, Enzo came to us at only five months old. His owner was unable to be financially responsible for Enzo's pica propensities ... poor Enzo had a severe blockage from some clothing he had consumed and surgery would be in the thousands of dollars. That's exactly what our emergency fund is for - and it didn't fail to save this beautiful boy! Unfortunately he was with us for quite awhile, off and on with a wonderful foster mom, while he sloowwly grew up a bit and his pica became more manageable. He was not adopted until 12/20/24 - a long wait but worth the end result of a loving family who has had four Ridgebacks previously!

TASHA 11/11/2023 - This young girl and another came to us from an out-of-state puppy mill. At 3 1/2 years old, Tasha had produced many puppies. She lived in a cramped kennel outdoors and was not well-socialized. A sad plight for a beautiful and sweet dog. After some minor vetting and adjustments, Tasha has gone off to her new home, with a big brother RR to show her the ropes! She is fascinated by indoor life and is learning new things every day! Just in time for the holidays...

ABBY 11/11/23 - Abby recently celebrated her fifth birthday in rescue, out of the puppy mill from where she came. Abby and another girl came into rescue after the breeder was done with them. She had lived outdoors while producing puppies and was not well-socialized. Abby did well in rescue and was recently sent off to her new, Ridgeback-experienced home, where we are certain she will flourish! Nothing will be too good for this deserving girl.

RUSSELL 11/10/23 - This spunky young border collie chose the right property to show up, whether lost or dumped or… Only Russell knows for sure. Not a Ridgeback, but of course he was given a warm and safe place to stay at Rincal headquarters while on the required shelter hold. We shared his photos and info and a perfect home appeared for him! He is off loving his new life with a woman totally devoted to his well being. Smart boy, Russell!!

MONGO 10/12/2023 - Mongo, a 6.5-year-old purebred Ridgeback, was not getting along with an older male dog in his home. In fact, the two were having awful fights. After much consideration, the family decided to rehome Mongo. He is a bit of a gentleman (besides not enjoying the company of his previous roommate), and waited patiently at Rincal for his perfect new home to come along. That it did, in the form of an experienced Ridgeback couple looking for their next dog. Mongo now resides in the Pacific Northwest, with his parents and dog sibling. Word is that he may get a sister Ridgeback in the near future! Mongo is a very good boy.

TRIXIE 9/26/2023 - Cute little Trixie was part of an “accidental” litter. The other pups were given away or taken to a shelter. Trixie was lucky to end up with us! A happy and energetic young one, she appears to be made up of a conglomeration of breeds. But the telltale ridge on her back indicates that she certainly has Ridgeback in her genes! Trixie, now called Cleo, is living a great life in a home with other Ridgebacks and lots of outings!

HAPPY 9/23/23 - This young boy came to us from a Central Valley shelter. They said he was energetic and loving, and boy did they deliver! Aside from being super thin and in need of training, Happy was a very fun dog. He went to a foster home where he learned some leash manners (still a work in progress). He was found to get along great with other dogs, and all people. His enthusiasm could be a bit much for some, but we had the perfect home present itself in the form of a previous Rincal adopter! Happy, now Dante, is now learning to love life with a family of his own, including Rincal alum Jack! He’s got a ways to go to learn the rules and be a polite housemate, but he’s on his way!

MADDIE 9/13/23 - This young, purebred, ridged livernose girl was found at a Texas shelter. She is very sweet, very petite and was anxious yet curious upon arrival at her foster home. It didn’t take her long to realize she was home. The foster family couldn’t bear to part with Maddie, now Sansa, and she has made herself central in a home with a mom and dad, kids and two big Ridgeback siblings of her own!

DASHER 9/7/23 - Abandoned by his owner, we obtained this ridged puppy from someone who had been kind enough to feed him and a couple other dogs until help could be located. He was placed in foster care and turned out to be a delightful boy! He loves attention and loves to play with other dogs. He gets wild cases of the zoomies and is always enjoying life now! A friend of the foster met him and couldn’t stop thinking about him. Ultimately, she adopted the little guy and renamed him Benji. We couldn’t be happier for his great turn in life!

RUCA 7/20/23 - A Ridgeback/border collie mix, Ruca came to us from a northern-most point in California, where she was having a bit too much fun with her herding side and therefore not fitting in well to her sheep farm surroundings. We had an adopter waiting in the wings - someone who lives in the city and wanted a dog to accompany her on daily outings! Ruca, under a year old, blended in beautifully and is now immersed in the Big City life. She even gets to greet tourists from her private balcony! Ruca has a good life.

AMBER 7/13/23 - Amber is a gorgeous, 80+ lb girl. She was surrendered by her owner to a Riverside County shelter for reasons unstated. She had been an outdoor dog, had little training and most likely didn’t receive near enough attention. She was in foster care for a short while before being adopted by a great family out of state! Amber is very affectionate and pleased in being fully incorporated into the type of life every dog should have.

PYE 7/13/23 - Cute little Pye and his brother Trace came from a Texas shelter where they had been dumped in an outdoor holding pit. Lucky for them, a savvy person spied their ridges and contacted us, knowing they needed help. When they got to us, they were wild and fearful - who could blame them? At less than a year old, they had obviously had a rough start to life. Both were full of worms (as we later found out), but otherwise healthy. Pye absolutely blossomed in foster care, and is now living happily with a couple and their female Ridgeback. Pye, now Xero, gives his big sister a run for her money!

TRACE 7/13/23 - Handsome Trace and his brother Pye came from a Texas shelter after having been unceremoniously dumped in an outdoor holding pit. The person discovering them there recognized their ridges and reached out to us for help. These youngsters were scared and a bit unruly, having obviously had no great upbringing. They both had worms (as we later discovered), but were healthy otherwise. Trace did great in foster care and loved playing with the other dogs there. He was soon adopted by an active family with a senior RR mix and another younger dog for Trace, now Toby, to torment.

SARUYO "ROO" 7/11/23 - Saruyo and his brother, Leo, were pulled from a Southern California shelter. They had been turned in by their owner, who admittedly had too many dogs to care for. Both boys had upper respiratory illness and had to be nursed through that. They recovered well and spent time in foster care. Roo is a lot of dog with an enthusiastic personality! We did a DNA test and were surprised to find no Ridgeback in him. Instead, he turned up with the unusual combination of 41% Mountain Cur, 19% Blue Lacy, and equal parts Catahoula Leopard Dog, Plott and American Pit Bull Terrier! Roo went to live with a great couple on a big ranch with lots of animals and wildlife in abundance. Training for polite behavior is underway …

CLYDE 7/9/23 - Big goofy Clyde came to us at 9 months of age, along with Wendy from the same breeder. A giant puppy, Clyde had never been on a leash and had no social skills or manners at all. We had him neutered and vetted and then he was adopted by a great family with loads of patience! Clyde, now called Scooby, lives with his mom and dad, kids and two cats!

WENDY 7/9/23 - Beautiful 3-year-old, purebred Wendy was taken in to rescue with another dog, Clyde. Both had been with a breeder who was going through some life changes and could no longer care for the dogs. Wendy was said to be great with children. We had a great family in mind for her, and ultimately Wendy went to live with a family including several grandchildren to love! Wendy is pleased to be living indoors, as formerly she was an outdoor dog. She is a very happy girl!

MAYA 6/20/23 - Maya was identified by a Central Coast shelter as a Ridgeback mix. Her time was running out as the shelter was overflowing. We came to her rescue and brought Maya into the Rincal family. While Maya was awesome with every person she met - wanting to force herself on everyone for as much loving as she could get - she was very wary around other dogs. It was clear that she had had issues with other dogs in the past, and had possibly been used by a backyard breeder. It took months in foster care for Maya to trust the other dogs in the home. She was VERY happy in her safe spot in a crate in the family room, where she could watch all goings-on. Initially she protected her crate with all her might, lunging at the bars when a dog would walk by. But with time and nothing bad happening to her, she reached the point where she could come out and play with the others in the yard. Maya became quite a clown, always with her giant, beautiful smile. She eventually got lucky and went to live with a retired veteran near the beach. They have brought each other much joy!

KING 6/17/23 - Purebred King came to us at just under a year old, after his owner sadly passed away. He was vetted, neutered and prepared for a new home. In rescue, he was an abundance of enthusiasm and flew like the wind around and around the yard whenever given the opportunity. A handful of puppy energy, King was placed with a Ridgeback family up for the fun and challenge! He is now known as Bodi, and is a beloved family member.

ENZO 6/09/23 - Enzo was quite the enigma! A Nor Cal shelter called us for help, after Enzo had been removed from the custody of a houseless person who had been seen abusing him. Whatever had been done to this young pup, it didn’t get him down! Enzo was guessed to be about three years old, with no previous history known. Because of his amazing wide ridge - which covers most of the width of his back - we did a DNA test. This funny boy is apparently one quarter Mountain Cur, one quarter Black and Tan Coonhound, and pretty much equal parts American Bulldog, American Leopard Hound, Redbone Coonhound, Plott, and Rhodesian Ridgeback! Such an interesting mix. Lucky Enzo was adopted by a family with two kids and a female Ridgeback of the same age. He is living it up!!

ROAN 6/06/23 -This handsome six-year-old purebred was an owner surrender. The family had moved out of state and felt that Roan was unhappy in his new surroundings. We took him in with no hesitation. He is a big, loveable guy, now called Romeo for his incessant kissing and attention-giving. He is safe and secure forever in his new home, with a few other dog pals to hang out with all day long. He enjoys long walks, car rides and sunbathing - but nothing beats napping on the couch.

MIRA 4/28/23 - When Mira came to us from an East Bay CA shelter, she was afraid of everything! She was close to euthanasia due to crowded conditions at the shelter and the fact that she was so shut down and showed no positive social behaviors. Once in rescue, she was still very worried for quite awhile. We knew it would take a lot of one-on-one attention and heaps of patience for this girl to come around. Lucky for Mira, a great home appeared and she is now living a good life with a mom and a canine sibling. We are so glad that she got the chance to live, and to thrive!

ELLIE 2/20/23 - Ellie came to us with four littermates, Ridgeback and German Shepherd crosses. Four of the pups have quite striking ridges! All seem to combine the characteristics of both breeds, which can be a bit daunting. Still, all are happy-go-lucky and affectionate dogs. Ellie, now called Remy, lives with a great family whose nearby daughter adopted a sibling! Lots of playtime for these two.

ABE 2/20/23 - The very dashing Abe came to us with four littermates, Ridgeback and German Shepherd crosses. Four of the pups have quite striking ridges! Abe was the stubborn standout who resisted the ridge. Abe is now called Ludo, which in different languages means “light” and “playful.” He was adopted by a fantastic couple who just cherishes him!

JACK 2/20/23 - Jack is one of the five Ridgeback/German Shepherd pups. A boy with a nice wild ridge, Jack was adopted by a couple who used to have a Ridgeback-Newfoundland cross! Jack's new family consists of mom and dad and a similar-aged border collie mix. The new family of four intends to do most everything together! Jack has amusingly shown them that he is an avid water dog!

MAISIE 2/20/23 - Maisie came to us with four littermates, Ridgeback and German Shepherd crosses. Four of the pups have quite striking ridges! All seem to combine the characteristics of both breeds, which can be a bit daunting. Still, all are happy-go-lucky and affectionate dogs. Maisie, whose new name is Mori, went to live with a young woman whose parents adopted her sister! Lots of fun in store for these two.

BETSY 2/20/23 - Pretty little Betsy inherited the German Shepherd coloring of her mix, which is Rhodesian Ridgeback and GSD. Four out of the five pups have quite striking ridges, as seen in Betsy’s photo! All seem to combine the characteristics of both breeds, which can be a bit daunting. Still, all are happy-go-lucky and affectionate dogs. Betsy was adopted by a couple in Oregon who spends lots of time with their resident Ridgeback outdoors, hiking and camping. They have an RV-type vehicle that the dogs accompany them in on trips. What a great life! Betsy now goes by the name Amelia.

MEECH 2/20/23 - Two-year-old Meech was surrendered to Rincal by his accidental caregiver. A young couple had been asked to look after Meech while his young owner was getting her feet back on the ground. Alas, they never heard from her again. Although they loved this young dog, they weren’t in the position to keep him forever. When it became clear that the original owner was not coming back for him, they reached out to us. Meech, although sweet and affectionate, had little training. He was neutered and then sent to an experienced foster home and came out a winner! Today “Mitch” is part of a big family including two female Ridgebacks. He is said to have a wonderful disposition - the girls probably help with that.

KIMBER 2/17/23 - Darling mama Kimber, now called Cupid, was pulled from a Central Valley shelter days before giving birth to a litter of seven pups! Taking it all in stride, and with the help of her fabulous foster dads, Cupid did a wonderful job raising her puppies and making them ready for new homes. Of course she was the star of the show, and managed to finagle herself a permanent position in the foster home, where she reigns today along with two of her lucky pups!

LUMPY 2/18/23 - This guy is definitely not lumpy … but was a lump of a puppy from the Kimber litter! Now called Bodie, we are sure he has upped his game as he is living on a large property with an older Ridgeback to get him moving. He probably gets energized around the ducks, geese and cockatiel who shares his home!

CASPER 2/18/23 - This Kimber litter puppy stood out with the white “ghost” splotch on his chest. Appropriately, his new family calls him Ghost! He lives with an active couple and their other dog, and is set to enjoy exploring the great outdoors.

SCAMPER 2/18/23 - Scamper will get lots of exercise befitting her foster name. She is from Kimber’s litter, and was so lucky to be adopted by an active single man who enjoys hiking in the mountains and visiting the beach. Now called Murphy, she has a dog cousin and other friends to keep her busy!

RACER 2/18/23 - This Kimber litter pup was known for having extra zoomies … He went to live with a couple and another young dog for company. They live near to Kimber (Cupid), Cosmo and Sable’s family … playdates are on the horizon!

GIDGET 2/18/23 - Gidget’s namesake was that of the sofa on which her mama Kimber (Cupid) gave birth to her and her littermates! It was a very special sofa that was featured in the “Gidget” movies of the late 1950’s! Her foster dads must really be saints to allow that to happen - but all came out well (including, we hope, the couch). Little Gidget, re-named Bailey, was adopted by a great couple with an older dog to harass!

COSMO 2/18/23 - Cosmo got to stay with his mother, Kimber (now Cupid), and sister Sable. They are living the good life with the wonderful couple who raised them.

SABLE 2/18/23 - One of three girls in Kimber’s litter, pretty Sable lives in the home she was born in, along with her brother Cosmo and her mama. All three are certainly beloved and spoiled, as they should be!

NUGGET 2/12/23 — Talk about issues! A shelter reached out about Nugget as she has a lovely ridge. She came to the shelter with a fishhook embedded in her lower eyelid! When we picked her up, we immediately discovered that she also had a dermoid sinus. This little girl definitely went through the wringer before we deemed her ready for adoption. However, she maintained a great disposition about it all and recovered well! A real spitfire, Nugget (Now Freya) lives with her new mom and dad and big sister Ridgeback! She is a very spoiled girl.

SIERRA 2/2/23 - Just look at Sierra’s face and it is clear how sweet she is! One of the most easy-going and gentle fosters ever, Sierra was a stray picked up by a county shelter. The reached out to see if we would like to help her. Of course we did! Sierra’s sweet disposition should be emulated by all Ridgebacks. Well, we can dream, can’t we?? This very nice girl went to live with a couple who had not yet owned a dog together. We knew Sierra, now called Olive, could show them the ropes, and she has! She enjoys lots of water time, splashing in creeks and even learning to paddleboard! She also has some great dog friends. What a wonderful life!

LOLA 1/30/23 - Lola … what to say about Lola. Clearly not a Ridgeback, she was one day away from euthanasia at an overflowing shelter. We chose to open our doors to her. Although it took two weeks for her to let her foster mom touch her, and months before anyone else could, we were patient as she clearly had reason to mistrust and fear humans. She blossomed into a delightful little thing and began being the boss of everyone in the house! A very patient woman came along who, like us, decided to give Lola a chance. Lola, now Zola, lives with a mom and dad and kids and other dogs and horses and chickens and goats on a lovely big property. And yes, she is still the boss.

LILY BOBTAIL 1/28/23 - Pretty Lily Bobtail, noted for her cropped tail, came from a Central Valley shelter where many of our dogs have been. The shelter dubbed her a Ridgeback Boxer blend. Whatever the breed, Lily is a gorgeous girl, very people-oriented. She was fostered in a home with several Ridgebacks and grew accustomed to having other dogs around. After adjusting to home living, Lily was adopted by a single man who looked forward to taking her camping and hiking! He also planned on taking her flying in his airplane - we need an update on that! Lily now has an older sister, a German Shepherd who is also a rescue.

RABBIT 1/26/23 - A petite and emaciated girl at only 50 lbs. when we took her from the shelter, this mama came with nine 2-week-old puppies who she had been guarding in a field all by herself. Named for the brand-new Year of the Rabbit, she was initially timid and nervous in foster care at the home of the folks at our wonderful sister organization, Phu Quoc Ridgeback Rescue. They took excellent care of Rabbit and her brood, and she soon settled and seemed to be grateful for all the help! Once all the pups were weaned and being adopted, Rabbit was spayed to ensure she was done with all that! She ultimately found a great home with another Ridgeback to keep her company. Now called Winnie (among a myriad of amusing nicknames), she and her brother are inseparable! She has also gained a much-needed 10 lbs.! She keeps her new parents on their toes - always getting into something, just to show them she can. They love her endlessly.

THUMPER 1/26/23 - One of our Year of The Rabbit babies, Thumper was a typically amusing puppy, either full-on active or sound asleep. After being raised by Mama Rabbit and our friends at Phu Quoc Ridgeback Rescue, Thumper was adopted by a RINCAL volunteer and is now called Norah. She has undergone lots and lots of training and is a model citizen dog in her community.

BUNNY 1/26/23 - Bunny is a Year of The Rabbit puppy, and was famous for her heart-shaped nose. That wasn’t enough for her - she even gained a little notoriety with her skills on a skateboard! Bunny is now called Bennie, and lives with a young family and a handful of little dogs. She has tons of room to romp and play!

RUBY 1/26/23 - This pretty little Year of The Rabbit puppy ended up going all the way to Texas to a family who just HAD to have her! She is one sweet girl and is adored. She is being called Rosie.

BABS 1/26/23 - Another Year of The Rabbit baby, little Babs was adopted by a couple who had lost their older dogs to age. Babs, now called Fern, scored big as her new parents so missed having a dog to spend time with, walking, hiking and socializing with friends! She has become a big and beautiful girl!

FIVER 1/26/23 - Fiver is one of the boys from the Year of The Rabbit litter. He grew rapidly and is probably the largest sibling now! Fiver lives on a Ridgeback-savvy farm with a bunch of other dogs, horses and other animals. He is king of his palace. He is called Jackson. Sometimes Jackson Fiver. Someone has a good sense humor…

VELVET 1/26/23 - Darling Velvet, a Year of The Rabbit pup, was adopted by a single woman who will make Velvet - now called Rubee - her top priority! The two will spend lots of outdoors adventure time, and come home to cuddle (or terrorize?) the two resident cats. Lots of fun ahead!

CADBURY 1/26/23 - What a handsome guy Cadbury is! Another Year of The Rabbit pup. Lucky Cadbury went to live with a couple on their 300-acre working ranch. There is no end to the daily activities available to this boy. Cadbury is little brother to a 13-year-old pitbull who is no doubt showing him how to be a good dog. He has earned the name of Captain, so he must be doing well!

BUGSY 1/26/23 - This little boy from the Year of The Rabbit litter went to a Ridgeback-experienced family who was happy to adopt a mix! Bugsy, now Jasper, lives with mom and dad and three older teens. He is being shown the ropes by the two senior female Ridgeback mixes also in the family! He is sure to wear everyone out.

EASTER 1/26/23 - Easter is a Year of The Rabbit pup. A sweet little girl! She was adopted by a very active couple missing their last dog. Easter, now called Wheeler, is going to have a fabulous life of lots of outdoor time - hiking, running and fishing. SHe will also accompany her parents on errands and lunch dates in town. She will be part of an inseparable trio!

KOLBY 1/21/23 - When 5-year-old Kolby’s owner sadly passed away, he was in need of help! Rincal took him in, and he spent some time in an experienced foster home to get through his sadness and confusion. Kolby was then lucky to be adopted by a couple who had already had three Ridgebacks of their own, and were up for the fun and challenge presented by this 100-lb livernose boy! They are now enjoying their time together immensely, and Kolby loves his couch!

ZEKE 1/21/23 - Little old man Zeke. Not enough words to describe our feelings about this one. Zeke was picked up as a stray in Southern California. Although he had a microchip and Animal Control was able to contact his family, they said they didn’t want him anymore. He was too old, and too much of a responsibility. Can you imagine?? Rincal immediately arranged for Zeke to come to us. On a winter day, before the crack of dawn, he boarded a non-profit animal transport bus and headed north! We already had a home lined up! A lovely couple was looking specifically for a senior dog, even a hospice dog. Zeke hit the jackpot, and undoubtedly moved on to a much better, more loved life. He went to live the rest of his life on a vineyard, with loving humans and a handful of cranky dachsunds to show him around. Well deserved, Zeke.

KIMA 1/20/23 - This little gentleman came to us from a Northern California shelter who identified him as a hound mix, possible Ridgeback. He was very young and very sweet and of course we took him in! He also had kennel cough and pneumonia - and we were unaware! Fortunately he had a great foster mom who kept a quiet house for him and nursed him back to health. Today Kima is growing and thriving and happy in his new home with a big brother Ridgeback and a big sister RR mix - finally he can play to his heart’s content! By the way, the family didn’t care in the least that our DNA testing showed that Kima has no RR in him at all … He is mostly Plotthound, with equal portions Catahoula Leopard Dog and Treeing Walker Coonhound thrown in! What a cool mix, resulting in a beautiful boy.
2022 DOGS

PAMPLEMOUSSE 12/23/22 -This 8-week-old purebred boy came in with siblings and was dubbed part of our “fruit litter.” Who knew a pamplemousse was a grapefruit? Since re-named Kylo Blue, this pup’s foster could not let him go, and officially adopted him. He is now living happily with a Ridgeback-experienced family.

JUNIPER 12/23/22 - Sweet Juniper is one of the two females in our “fruit litter.” Adorable as she was, she was unfortunately plagued with a dermoid sinus. No matter! An adopter was quickly lined up for this pup and we had her dermoid successfully removed. Now called Gigi, she lives with a wonderful couple who has raised two Ridgebacks in the past!

MANGO 12/23/22 - Mango may well deserve the title of “most comedic” of our “fruit litter.” As handsome as any of his littermates, this purebred pup certainly has a “who, me?” attitude. He is living with another Rincal alum in Northern California. Although he is a handful, he is adorable and very loved.

JACKFRUIT 12/23/22 - Another “fruit litter” boy, this beautiful livernose came in with his siblings at two months of age. Now called Cash, short for Cashew, this lucky pup lives with a very Ridgeback-savvy family who has raised five RRs, starting in 1989! He’s got a big sister RR to keep him in line.

LOGANBERRY 12/23/22 - Another “fruit litter” boy, Logan was fostered and adopted by a family who also has adopted from Rincal in the past. Re-named Cooper, this lucky boy lives with alum Shandy (Hagan), another dog and their adoptive parents in a beautiful part of Northern California.

OLIVE 12/23/22 - Little Olive was one of the only two girls our “fruit” litter. She was fostered and adopted by a previous Rincal adopter, who has Soul (Feni) and another Ridgeback. They make quite a nice pack!

HUCKLEBERRY 12/23/22 - This sweet little purebred boy came in with siblings at just two months of age. He was fostered and adopted by the same person, who just couldn’t let him go! Now called Tayo, he lives the good life with his adoptive mom and a big sister Ridgeback!

STELLA 11/29/22 - A tiny little shelter run by the Sheriff’s Office in Northern California had this gorgeous girl in their care. There was not enough manpower to work with Stella or network her … and they feared she was pregnant. She was very scared and timid. The shelter happily let us take Stella, and we quickly learned that she was not used to living indoors. She also had a great fear of most people, and it took two patient fosters to get her settled. Luckily she was not pregnant, but has likely had puppies in the past. Never again! The second foster quickly grew attached to this sweet girl and asked to adopt her. Stella is now called Bella and has a wonderful home with a mom and a dog sister, Misty, who has helped greatly in showing her how to be a proper house dog.

BUTCH 11/16/22 - Butch was a delight with people and loved oats and treats. He was hell on wheels when it came to other dogs, though. He attacked several dogs viciously, with no warning or provocation. After weeks of trying to change his behavior, it was clear that he should be in a sanctuary of some sort for unpredictable, aggressive dogs. Does such a place exist and could we get him there before he hurt another dog, or possibly a person? What was best for Butch? To let him live a life where he felt he had to protect himself from even the silliest little poodle or to be kind and let him go to sleep forever and never have to fight again? Elizabeth took Butch to the vet, held him and cried while the medication was administered. Today, Elizabeth points out places they could have enjoyed as she drives around with the ashes that were once Butch in her car.

PHOENIX 11/3/22 - A lot can be said about this boy, who has made a name for himself via all his supporters on social media! Phoenix was found wandering in an orchard area in the Central Valley of California. He was emaciated and had a heavy chain-link “collar” around his neck and was barely mobile. It took months of medical, physical and emotional care to bring Phoenix back to life - but back to life he truly did come! Phoenix is living in a fabulous home in Texas with a couple other Ridgebacks. He has his own Facebook page - A Dog Called Phoenix - and word has it that a children’s book is in the works, all about him!

ZURA 11/03/22 - As we were preparing intake of a shelter dog from Central California, the shelter announced that they had a Ridgeback puppy they would like to send along as well! A photo was provided and the puppy did in fact look like a (ridgeless) Ridgeback. Of course we said yes! Send him along … The surprise was in meeting Zura a few days later … not a Ridgeback, but an adorable boy. He came to us with kennel cough, pneumonia, and a sutured tail amputation - another dog at the shelter had bitten through the poor puppy’s tail and it could not be saved. Zura was with us for six weeks in foster care, healing from his issues. During that time, he quickly became a very good canine citizen - learning sit, down, come, stay, turn around, shake paws, high-five and more! He loved and was loved by every single person and dog he met, and was best friends with the resident cat. After much consideration (it was very hard to not foster-fail with this one), Zura, now called “Enzo,” was adopted out to a family with two little girls, two little dogs, and two little housepigs! He will accompany his new mom to work and hopefully become a therapy dog when he’s a little older. He’s a natural, and we are very proud of this little honorary Ridgeback. Note: A DNA test on Enzo found that he is 30% Weimeraner, 26% American Pit Bull, 20% boxer, 10% pug and 12% supermutt!

ROCKET 10/27/22 - We received a call from a Rincal supporter who had found Rocket in a Southern California shelter. She took him in herself as she was afraid he wouldn’t last there. In just a couple days, she determined without a doubt that this dog couldn’t be left alone - he had extreme separation anxiety. He also had numerous wounds to his face, head and body - some looked like knife wounds. He was just terrified to be away from a person at any time. Because the adopter could not possibly be with this boy 24/7, we took him into rescue. A great young foster couple kept him for almost two months, and he blossomed! However, he still could not be left alone without hyperventilating and being destructive in his efforts to escape his confines and find his people. He was moved to a home with three resident dogs, frequented by other fosters and visiting dogs. It took awhile, but once Rocket realized that he could count on his new dog friends as much as he could his foster mom, he relaxed so much that he was able to be left loose in the house for hours without doing anything other than sleep by the front door. No sign of stress at all. He proved himself to be a very good boy who loved to cuddle and play with his foster mom and other dogs. Still, the perfect home was necessary in order to allow Rock to continue to flourish. Image our delight when a mail-order family came along and fit the bill to a tee! Rocket, now called Otis, is living happily with his new family and sister dog, Sunny - who may or not be delighted. :)

QUENTIN 9/24/22 - This 6-to-8-month-old pup was an owner abandonment case. After searching frantically on social media for her puppy, who had run off, the owner was advised that he had been picked up by animal control. She was relieved to know he was at the shelter, however she failed to ever claim him. Her loss was our gain, and especially that of Quentin’s adoptive family! Aside from normal rambunctious puppy behavior, there is nothing “wrong” with this pup at all! He did have a recent injury that appeared to be some sort of road rash, but it has healed nicely. “Quinn” is happily living with his new family with parents and teens; he is no doubt helping them through the loss of their last dog, also a Rincal alum!

JAMES 9/2/22 - Gorgeous James, not yet 9 months old, was an owner surrender. His family was unable to work with his big puppy energy and some behavioral issues. He is a lovely pup, very spirited, and needed a good outlet for his liveliness and drive. James was evaluated for a few days by a RINCAL foster, and an assessment was made. The stars aligned and we knew we had an awesome home for this dog! James, being called Bosco, has gone off to live with an active, outdoorsy young couple and their Dutch shepherd, who will certainly show James the ropes. They lost their Ridgeback last year and have been waiting for the perfect match for them to come along - we think their wish has been fulfilled!

KODI 7/31/22 - This big boy is younger than his salt-and-pepper muzzle would suggest. The shelter guessed him at 20 months when they called us asking to help; he had been adopted the month before but returned because the resident dog didn’t like him and he had an ear infection that the adopter didn’t want to deal with. Kodi was first in a quiet foster home with a nice woman with no other pets. After some time, we decided to move him to another foster with a handful of other Ridgebacks to see how he would do with other dogs. He spent several months there before the right couple came along to adopt him! Kodi was described by both foster moms as a wonderful, loving boy who just wanted to hang out and be with his people. He likes an easy introduction to new situations, and the new family is going slow with him to ensure he feels comfortable and happy. With a face like that, you know he’s an easygoing guy!

BOSCO 7/17/22 - Bosco was picked up with his brother, Rosco, and taken to a congested shelter in Northern California. Deemed very nice dogs, the shelter reached out to us for our help. We immediately retrieved the one-year-old boys and put them in foster care for a bit of evaluation. In Bosco’s case, he was a perfect gentleman and began accompanying his foster mom and her Ridgeback to different places. Everyone loved him and a young family was chosen as his adopter. Fast forward many months and the family had to give him up … no fault of Bosco, but there were issues in the family that needed attention. This is why we have in our adoption contract that adopters must contact us first if there is a need to re-home their dog; we do everything possible to find a safe and loving place for our alumni. In Bosco’s case, he was re-adopted fairly quickly by a couple who adopted from us many, many years ago! He now has a slightly older brother, Leo, to play with full-time.

ROSCO 7/17/22 - Young Rosco and his brother, Bosco, came from a very busy Northern California shelter. Both had been picked up from the streets, where they were roaming freely. A citizen had seen Rosco get hit by a car - not once, but twice! We found that he had suffered a broken clavicle. Luckily, no surgical intervention was warranted, and he did well with crate rest, pain meds and a little chiropractic massage. Rosco, re-named Kipper, is now living happily with a dog-loving couple who was missing their Ridgeback mix, who they lost last August. They like to walk and hike and work on regular training with their dogs. We even think that some summer trips to the dog-friendly beach in Carmel-by-the-Sea are in store for this boy!

SOUL 7/15/22 - Clearly not a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Soul the purebred 1-year-old Doberman was highlighted on social media after having been abandoned in the Southern California desert with Ridgeback mix Spirit. They were listed as “littermates,” which they are not, but nonetheless their behaviors, fears and myriad of bite marks showed without a doubt they came from the same place. Our friends @oceanrayrescue took these boys as fosters from the shelter. They had the boys for a month plus, and did a great job at helping them decompress and learn that humans aren’t all bad. When we took custody of the boys, we put Soul in a dobie-experienced foster home. His foster dad did a wonderful job acclimating him to the house, walking on leash, learning to co-exist with a cat and deciding toys were a good thing and he wouldn’t get in trouble for playing with them. Unfortunately it was next to impossible to cure Soul of his overwhelming fear of being left alone … It was quickly evident that he simply couldn’t be left. When the foster had to go back to work, Soul, by then being called Sammy, was put in a home with a retired, stay-at-home couple and their senior Great Dane, also a rescue who had experienced similar issues. Sammy did beautifully in this situation and in the company of an older and wiser dog to guide him. He soon could be left “alone” (with the other dog) for brief periods and didn’t destroy anything more serious than a pack of toilet paper. The fosters also discovered that they could not pick up “anything with a handle,” such as a broom, without Sammy becoming very fearful and slinking away. At that point, the fosters felt they had a good understanding of him and decided he was home to stay. Sammy enjoys farm life with horses and chickens and stray cats … He gets regular daily car rides and is spoiled and loved.

SPIRIT 7/15/22 - This gorgeous man made the social media rounds, and then some, before we were finally able to assist. He had been abandoned in the Southern California desert with his buddy, doberman Soul. They were listed as “littermates,” which they are not, but nonetheless their behaviors, fears and myriad of bite marks showed without a doubt they came from the same place. Our friends @oceanrayrescue took these boys as fosters from the shelter. They had the boys for a month plus, and did a great job at helping them decompress and learn that humans aren’t all bad. When Spirit came to us for further fostering, he was a super sweet guy, but quite obviously worried about what was going to happen next. He was very gentle - not a mean bone in his body. He seemed to take comfort from his new foster- sister dog. The indoors was pretty new to him - all the different sounds and smells he had to get used to. He was quite the cuddler, wanting to give and get affection constantly. Spirit had most certainly been physically mistreated - he cowered when reprimanded once, prompting the foster to really go easy on him. But always he remained gentle and loving. A real test came when it was discovered that Spirit had a stick wedged solidly in the roof of his mouth. The foster had noted he was eating strangely, tilting his head, and a bad smell was starting to emanate from his mouth. With the aid of a vet tech friend, Spirit allowed them to work to dislodge the stick, which had left some bloody lesions but no permanent damage. Spirit quickly grew attached to his new foster mom, and she to him. In the end, she couldn’t part with him … Now called Feni, this amazing dog will never have to worry about anything again!

JOHNNY WILDER 6/17/22 - This may well be the shortest foster fail on the books. This little hound dog, thought by the former owner to be a Ridgeback, is high energy and high anxiety! He does NOT like to be alone! Just ten months old, this boy had already had several owners and needed stability. A trusted foster took him in, made immediate note of his silly antics (not all of them good) and within an hour said she couldn’t let him go. It’s all in the face, maybe?? We are happy for everyone! JW is now being called Arley. :)

BAILEY 6/12/22 - Bailey is a people-oriented and very spunky young girl. We were alerted to her by a swamped shelter who wanted the best for her. She came to us and had a fabulous time in foster care - it was hard to say goodbye! Her favorite thing to do was to play HARD and LOUD with her foster siblings … We took a chance and placed her as an only dog with a single woman who had many dog friends and would keep Bailey very active. Unfortunately, a different side of Bailey came out as she apparently was anxious upon finding herself without full-time canine comrades. She quickly became quite protective of her new mom, which proved to be an unfortunate liability. Bailey went on to be adopted by a retired veterinarian and his wife with a handful of other dogs at home. She is enjoying being challenged with training and other activities, and has settled in well!

JACK 6/02/22 - Jack! What to say about Mr. Popularity? We received a call from one of our “usual” shelters who said we just HAD to take this boy. And what a gem he is! Jack spent some time in three different foster homes while we were getting to know him and awaiting his neuter appointment. All fosters agreed that he was a keeper - they had to talk themselves out of adopting him as they knew he deserved a brand new family. Many applications were received for this handsome dog, who was found to be able to insert himself seamlessly into just about any situation at all. Very likeable, loving and smart, Jack ultimately scored a fantastic home with a couple way up in British Columbia. Jack’s life is full of adventures now, with the other dogs and kitten in his family! He even gets to accompany one of his dads to work in a tow truck!

SHANDY 5/20/22 - This amazing one-year-old was found roaming the streets in Southern California. What at first appeared to be an injury turned into a vet visit and the conclusion that Shandy was born without one eye. This does not keep him down, as he knows no different! Shandy was put into foster care and no one claimed him. He was found to be very easygoing and enjoyed the company of people and other dogs. After some searching, we found the perfect home where Shandy is being cherished, as he should be! Shandy is now called Hagan - an old Viking name that sounds fitting for this boy!

YELLOW 5/7/22 - This busy 3.5-month-old pup came to us after a successful dermoid sinus removal. Don’t let the picture fool you - she is a Wild Child!! For a short period, she stayed with Elizabeth - who admitted she was a LOT to handle. And if Elizabeth says that, then we KNOW this girl will be a (fun) challenge for her adopter! Her new family is a friend to RINCAL, having adopted and fostered for us recently and in the past. They are calling her Frida!

OBI 5/7/22 - A giant of a dog, Obi was an owner surrender. He had gotten too headstrong and physically strong for his owner to effectively handle him. After we had him neutered, Obi went to live with a man who had been missing his former Ridgebacks … Two-and-a-half-year-old Obi is a work in progress, but we are hopeful that things turn out well once he has more training completed. Beautiful boy!!

PENNY 5/7/22 - This little sweetheart came from a giant ranch on the coast, where she’d been misbehaving due to all her freedom. Penny came to us at about 9 months of age. Her father was said to be pure Ridgeback; her mother an Aussie/GSD mix. Several of her littermates had ridges, but she does not. While we expected a wild heathen, it didn’t take too long for Penny to adjust to living in an apartment with her foster family. In fact, she did SO well in that environment that she was adopted to a wonderful man in a San Francisco townhouse close to lots of parks and tons of dogs - Penny LOVES to play with other dogs! She is where she was meant to be.

CHIPS 4/26/22 - Gypsy/Amani’s largest son turned out to be a striking Doberman mix. Now called Samson, he is smart as a whip, quite headstrong and in need of leadership and a job to do! Even though he’s not old enough to be “the boss,” he certainly would like to be! It took a while for the right family to come along, but Samson is now fully ensconced in the good life! He’s got teenaged kids and a big brother dog to show him the ropes - and a personal trainer! His new mom adores him and he is fitting in well.

CEDAR 4/26/22 - Cedar was one of the two smallest pups in Gypsy/Amani’s big litter. He is a precious and sweet little guy, more of a follower than a leader among dogs. He constantly checks in with his foster family, coming for a hug and making lots of eye contact with his big, doe-like eyes. Once Cedar got big enough to jump on the sofa all by himself, he frequently wanted to be in someone’s lap. He is full of fun energy but sleeps through the night in his crate, always very happy to see his people first thing in the morning! This is definitely a puppy who wiggles his way into your heart! Cedar, now Koda, has moved in with his new adoring family, including a mom and dad, twin brother and sister 11-year-old humans, and two young cats! He will keep them very busy!

PRIDE 4/26/22 - This little guy provided the only initial clue that there was doberman in the litter of our very own Gypsy/Amani … Thought to be Ridgeback, several of her pups have had DNA results showing a prevalence of Dobie in their genes. Pride was not tested, but it’s pretty obvious - and he is the only black-and-tan pup out of the nine siblings! This boy is full of enthusiasm and displayed an eagerness to learn - everything - from early on. He showed us that he is a definite leader but needs to be in a situation where he can channel his energy into activities that challenge his brain. The perfect home was found with a very active couple who recently lost their beloved Ridgeback mix and needed to fill a big hole in their lives. Pride, now called Molé, is in obedience classes, goes to the beach a lot, and is already learning the art of paddle boarding! Note: Shortly after being adopted, Molé was surprised with a new big brother - who happens to be a Ridgeback mix!!

SARBI 4/26/22 - Gorgeous Sarbi was one of the largest pups from the Gypsy/Amani litter. She is full of fun and mischief and definitely a people-lover. After many inquiries, this little girl went to live with her new mom and dad, and a boy and girl to grow up with! She also has a cat sister …. We are unsure what the kitty thinks. :)

GRACE 4/26/22 - Pretty Grace is another Gypsy/Amani puppy. With her colors, one might guess some shepherd in there, but DNA says doberman, staffy, Rottie and a few other interesting breeds … Now called Emerald Grace (Emmy for short), she is a spitfire and a force to be reckoned with! She was adopted by a young woman and her family and has been a challenge but they love her endlessly! Emmy is in puppy training classes and is doing well.

RAGS 4/26/22 - Rags is one of the two Amani/Gypsy puppies with the gorgeous shepherd coloring. She is an independent little thing, brain always working and figuring things out. Rags is now Lucy and is living with new parents and an older dog sibling who is probably wondering what the heck happened to her calm life!

LEX 4/26/22 - This darling little one is a mini Ridgeback in the making! Now called Manuka (a very fitting name!), she is living the sweet life one-on-one with her full-time mom. She’s a lucky little girl who will be spoiled rotten and a best friend forever.

SAGE 4/26/22 - One of the three big girls from the Amani/Gypsy litter, Sage (now Kira), is living a great life with two other RR mixes, three kids and a mom and dad. Busy family, busy puppy! She is spending her days keeping everyone in line and endearing herself to her new family.

STUBBY 4/26/22 - The smallest of nine born to mama Amani/Gypsy, this little guy popped out like a chihuahua! There’s a big personality in a tiny package here … Sgt. Stubby is happily living with a family who appreciates his uniqueness!

KIANNA 4/23/22 - This lovely 4.5-year-old girl was purchased by her former owner as a pup, and said to be part Ridgeback and part Rottweiler. Whatever the mix, she is a beauty! She unfortunately had had a litter recently and her pups were taken from her too early. To add to that emotional upheaval, she then had to be rehomed due to changes in the family situation. The new home did not work out, as the resident dog got into a scuffle with Kianna, who was post-partum, without her family, and understandably anxious. Kianna came into foster care and immediately slept for hours and hours … relaxing and decompressing. She then bonded so quickly to her foster family that her joyous personality came out almost immediately! Just a week later, and they decided she had to stay. Kianna has now been vetted and spayed and has begun her new life, where she is very much loved! She is showing a great interest in scentwork, which her dad is obliging by looking for some fun classes for her!

MILO 4/17/22 - Cute Milo was an owner surrender for necessary reasons. He is half Rhodesian Ridgeback and half Sharpei!! He went directly to one of our premier foster and adoptive homes - who happens to love Sharpeis … Match made in heaven! Milo entered and never left. He is cohabitating on his own terms with his new mom and brother Ridgeback D’Jango, also a RINCAL alum!

HUTCH 4/15/22 - This handsome fellow came to us from a crowded shelter that has brought us Ridgebacks now and then over the years. Hutch was a bit mis-identified as a RR, but he still seems to have hound in him …. and probably an assortment of other things. No one wanted to foster the poor boy as he was not clearly a RIdgeback …. so unfortunately he was kenneled with us for well over a month while we sought both a home and a neuter appointment! Happy to say, Hutch landed with a perfect family - a mom and dad, a canine brother to show him the ropes, and FIVE human brothers! With his easygoing nature and love of human companionship, Hutch has truly got it made! Many many fun times in store for this fun and very deserving boy!!

PEACH 4/14/22 - This girl stole our hearts along with thousands of others when her pleading eyes appeared on social media, approaching death row… Pretty Peach had been abandoned with a chihuahua in a back yard when her family moved out without making arrangements for the dogs. They sat alone for two weeks at least, unattended and with no food, before being noticed by a neighbor and reported to Animal Control. The little dog found a home right away, but due to Peach’s terror in the loud and foreboding shelter kennel, she was overlooked for over a month, and then her time was up…. We stepped in on her final date and put her into a foster home. Unfortunately it quickly became apparent that although she displayed a desire to trust humans - craving hugs and pets - she had an extreme fear of dogs. After a severe incident with a small dog in public, Peach was moved to a new foster home with three gentle dogs to help her adjust. In time she blossomed with them and was part of the pack for a few weeks. However, her underlying anxiety never left. Sadly, after two more violent attacks (one on a real dog and another on an inanimate object that she perceived to be a dog), it was decided that Peach was not to be happy in this life. She had her last month filled with the love, treats and adoration she had most likely never experienced prior to becoming a RINCAL dog. Peach is a prime example of the reality of dog rescue. All dogs are deserving, but not all dogs get a happy forever as they go trotting off into a fabulous new home. The least we can do for these dogs is show them they are loved.

CASH 3/23/22 - The last of our country-singer foursome hailing from Mexico, Cash is a gorgeous boy with a very sweet temperament and a lovely ridge! He came to us at about 9 weeks of age, healthy and full of energy! Unfortunately, we quickly determined that this little boy had a dermoid sinus. We were able to get him seen right away to confirm our findings - at which time he had successful surgery to remove the dermoid! Cash was a trooper throughout, despite being handled by four different volunteers and the vet staff in a whirlwind 42 hours … He loves everyone he meets so it was actually an exciting time for him! Cash is joining a great young family who misses their first RR mix tremendously. He is being called Maverick, and will have two parents, two young kids to play with and protect, a grumpy chihuahua to win over, and lots and lots of human and dog visitors. He has it made!

DIXIE 3/23/22 - What an enigma! Perhaps we should have called her Mystery (but that wouldn’t have been in keeping with the country singer theme!) …. Dixie is part of the Ridgeback-mix litter from Mexico including Reba, Willie and Cash. While the three siblings each have ridges, Dixie does not. To add to the differences, she’s got short little legs … she’s a low-rider! Different daddy, we presume … She is a ton of fun, very bold and adventurous, yet loving and affectionate. Dixie went to a new home where she will be the only dog, with three cats for company indoors. BUT she is living onsite at a dog-training and boarding facility, and will be with her mom (who works there) just about full-time! Now called Stubbz (appropriate!), she will soon be running the place, no doubt!

RAMEN 3/10/22 - This handsome fellow is likely a Golden Retriever mix, however we were alerted by a Northern California, who had identified him as Ridgeback, that he was in need of rescue. He turned out to be a sweet and gentle dog who loves the company of people and other dogs. Ramen has been neutered and is enjoying a permanent life with his former foster family, who just couldn’t give him up! Look at that face - he may win the prize for biggest charmer!

REBA 3/07/22 - Feisty Reba arrived with her brother, Willie, from Punte de Mita, Mexico, at approximately 7 weeks of age. She has a gorgeous full-length ridge but her mix is unknown. Reba either has Rhodesian Ridgeback in her genes or even possibly Thai Ridgeback! This little girl was a delight to have in foster care, always up to something and very independent, but also very loving and enamored with other dogs. One of her best features is her funny vocalizations - especially when sleepy and/or grumpy. Grunts and groans and moans like we’ve never heard … all while snuggling voraciously. Reba - now Huracán! - has gone to live with a wonderful couple on 20 wooded acres, lakeside! She has an 18-month-old RR/black lab brother whom she is totally infatuated with, and he with her! She is firmly settled in living the good life.

WILLIE 3/07/22 - Tiny Willie came to us all the way from Mexico at about 7 weeks of age. He and two of his siblings have sweet little ridges but their mixes were unknown. Willie either has Rhodesian Ridgeback in his genes or even possibly Thai Ridgeback! Whichever, this little boy is feisty and fun and very affectionate! Puppies are entertaining but OH so much work, and a little bit of trouble! Willie did very well in his foster home and got along with the resident dogs and cats without any difficulty at all - other than they did find him to be somewhat annoying. But that’s the job of a puppy! Willie went to live with a fabulous couple and their two dogs - one of whom uses a dog wheelchair! They are very committed to giving Willie (now Kingsley) the best life ever. He even will get to go golfing with them! Update: Willie’s DNA shows him to be 25% Rhodesian Ridgeback! He is also a mix of American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Cattle Dog and German Shepherd. Well-rounded - he represents four countries!

GYPSY 3/5/22 - This girl has been through the wringer and then some! Picked up as an emaciated young stray, a spay appointment was made but we had quite awhile to wait. We opted to place her in advance in a great adoptive home with another Ridgeback. Unfortunately, loving and fun as she was, Gypsy unexpectedly had a food-related reactivity to the resident dog, and needed to be moved. She went into foster care for awhile and did very well, while we attempted to put some much-needed weight on her. She was then placed in a new home … two weeks later, we received a call and a photo: “Why is she so fat?” Shockingly, we saw that Gypsy was PREGNANT and about to deliver! She had been pregnant all this time and had been so thin that no one guessed. Once again, she was moved - this time to an incredibly well-equipped foster situation with our friends at the Phu Quoc Ridgeback Rescue in Southern California. That weekend, Gypsy delivered nine healthy pups of various sizes, shapes and colors! Apparently, multiple daddies were involved with this litter …. Sweet Gypsy spent two months with her babies, distancing herself as time went on. She’d had enough! :). Today, Gypsy is residing with another RINCAL alum, Bane. The two are great friends and complement one another nicely!

OBI 03/01/22 - The stunning and TALL Obi-Wan Kenobi is a whopping 120 lbs. of lean machine! He has a strong Ridgeback presence and we believe he is a Great Dane mix. Despite his size, he is good with all people, dogs (little and big) and kids! Obi truly is a gentle giant. Obi was adopted by his foster family, who couldn’t bear to see him leave! He’s got a boy of his own and other dogs to play with in a huge back yard! The family continues to foster other dogs, and Obi is a great ice-breaker for all!

LEXI 2/17/22 - Lexi Belle came to us as an owner surrender, due to unavoidable life changes. She is a petite 2-year-old purebred, with a very cute ridge and distinct coloring. She’s a sweet dog and gets along with everyone. Lexi was so wonderful in her foster home, that her foster mom soon became her adoptive mom. She was eager to make Lexi a permanent member of the family and she is now being spoiled silly! She is enrolled in obedience classes, which will be a great bonding experience for her and her new mom!

FINN 2/16/22 - An overcrowded shelter in Central California contacted us about this boy, who is only about 3 years old. He was not doing well at the shelter, as he was very sick and therefore not adoptable - he had been put on the euthanasia list. The shelter had tagged him as a Ridgeback mix, and reached out to us. We agreed to pull Finn and get him the necessary medical care he needed. He spent two weeks in a temporary foster home, recovering from pneumonia and streptococcus zooepidemicus, and is now in a long-term foster situation. He is happily playing with the other Ridgebacks in the house, and learning potty training … Finn is a very good boy and we are so happy he has recovered and will have a full life! He has gone to his new home with a lively family to keep him entertained and loved!

BANE 1/28/22 - Bane is a beautiful, 7-year-old, purebred Ridgeback who was raised with young children. He is well trained, polite, happy and healthy. He has a very youthful spirit and does well on and off leash. He's crate trained and has great house manners! Bane is good with other dogs and has so far ignored the cat in his foster home. Bane impressed his foster parent a lot with the way he fit right in with the resident pack, followed the house rules in short order and was just an all-around easy and pleasant guy to have around! This boy went to his new home with previous adopters who needed a new Ridgeback in their lives! We are so happy for him!

ESTIE 1/21/22 - This sweet little girl was taken in as her mother, Pocket, was initially believed to be a Ridgeback mix. She appears to be cattle dog and … ? Mom and puppies were found abandoned in the desert; animal control seized all of the pups except for this little girl. When we agreed to take the mother, we could not leave Estie behind. She was basically feral and very scared of humans. She spent a month in foster care, depending on the other dogs there to make her feel safe. Finally we decided she would only bond with a human if there were no other dogs to hide behind … Lucky for everyone, a VERY kind and patient man came along and was drawn to Estie, and her to him! He took her home on a foster-to-adopt agreement until she was spayed. Her new name is Daisy and she is a love! She is coming around slowly but surely, with her new person to focus on and bond with! We are extra grateful that we were able to help this little honorary Ridgeback!

POCKET 1/21/22 - This little mama was found in the desert of San Antonio, TX, with her five small puppies. She was no stranger to people and obviously had been loved and cared for and lived indoors (potty trained!). How she ended up with her pups in the middle of nowhere is anyone’s guess … At 25 lbs., she was said to be a Ridgeback mix due to her looks and “ridge” - which proved to be a fancy cowlick down her neck. Regardless, of course we wanted to do the best by her and her remaining puppy! Pocket spent some time in a foster home to assess her needs and was found to be an all-around great, easy and fun dog. Many applications came in for her, but she ultimately went to a couple with a 7-year-old daughter - we think it’s perfect! She has been named Ruby and is living on a small farm with five fenced acres to romp in!
2021 DOGS

BRODY 12/27/21 - Handsome 6.5-year-old Brody came into rescue with a dental issue that needed attention. He went through the necessary surgery and recovered in his foster home - his foster mom was quite attached to him and loved watching him play with her dogs and just enjoy life! Soon thereafter, Brody was adopted by a wonderful couple who are devoted to his future needs. He is an awesome boy, very gentle, loyal and loving. He will be pampered and get to go on lots of adventures with his new family, which includes a tiny 3-year-old Maltese sister!

MATATA 12/13/21 - This pretty girl has to be rehomed due to ongoing aggression issues with her sibling …. Matata is 4.5 years old and purebred. She is nicely trained and very polite and loving, though anxious at the moment, being away from her original family. She craves attention and enjoys being handled; she is excellent with a pedicure! We are seeking a home with no other dogs at this time. Update: A wonderful home came along in the form of a single woman who works from home. Matata can leave behind her anxiety and settle in with round-the-clock attention and a beautiful big yard to explore and make her own!

RANGER 11/16/21 - This pup, not over a year old, was surrendered to a very overcrowded Northern California shelter, who reached out for our help. He’s a beautiful young dog with an overgrown puppy’s mentality and very little training. Ranger is affectionate, gives kisses and loves people. He is believed to be good with other dogs and children. He is very large and as strong as (stronger than?) he looks. Note his giant paws … with front dewclaws AND rear dewclaws. He’s special! Update: Much interest was had in this boy, due in large part to his good looks! After much consideration, Ranger was adopted to a very nice and experienced couple, a firefighter and a nurse! He will have a 2-year-old Ridgeback sister to grow up with!

LUNA 11/06/2021 - A big and sweet two-and-a-half-year-old, Luna needs a home where she can bond with a person/s and be treated as the queen she is. She has not had much training but seems willing to please. She is very sweet and affectionate, soaking up attention whenever she can get it. Luna is also very gentle, described by her foster parents as “almost lab-like” in this regard. She does have a strong prey drive and can be stubborn, but is responding well to consistent direction. Luna is accustomed to being outdoors most of the time, but has proved to be good in the house and is enjoying sleeping inside! She does love exploring outside, and will do best with a family who likes to get out and about with their dog! Update: Luna has been adopted by an active single man who will devote himself to her! There are no other pets in the house, but she will have a frequent playmate in the form of another Ridgeback. Happy days, Luna!!

CALI 11/05/21 - Cali was apparently abandoned, left to fend for herself for awhile before being trapped - which was a very scary experience. Despite all this, she settled almost immediately and proved to be extremely sweet and playful. Cali appears to be a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, of small stature. She will probably max out at 40-45 lbs. She plays hard with large Ridgebacks, and shows no fear or aggression. Cali loves activity! Probably due to having been abandoned, she wants to be with someone all the time, and would be the best fit for someone who works from home or is retired. She sleeps well in her crate overnight, but is still getting used to it on the occasion she needs to be crated during the day. All she really wants to do is be with you, and be happy! Cali is currently being fostered in Phoenix, AZ, with transportation to California possible. Update: Cali was adopted by a family in Phoenix.

ETTA 10/28/21 -Etta is a beautiful purebred 9-year-old girl. She is a sweet-natured, calm dog who grew up on a ranch with little children, a small dog and a cat. Her family ran into some unfortunate times and is not able to keep her with them anymore. Update: Etta has been adopted by a great family who has adopted from us in the past. She is settling in and figuring things out. She will live out the rest of her years in comfort!

BIRDIE 10/16/21 - This tiny little creature came to us after being labeled as a "failure to thrive." Fortunately she came to RINCAL and was spoiled like silly for a couple months as she got healthy and grew! She was only 5.5 lbs. when she arrived; two months later she was 25 lbs. Birdie was delightful and happy throughout foster care, despite numerous vet visits and sometimes not feeling great. This one will always be special, and it was very hard for the foster to let her go. But she went to a marvelous family, with parents, two teenagers and a big sister Ridgeback. They will be in contact often so we can watch her grow up. She is now called Penny. We are so pleased to have been part of her young life!!

RUGER 10/13/21 - This sweet older gentleman came into rescue due to very unfortunate circumstances. His owner passed away and there was no one left to take care of him. Ruger is somewhere between the ages of 10 and 12. He is quite overweight but otherwise in decent health. He must be confused about his situation, and is in need of a home where he can be comforted and made to feel safe. Update: Ruger joined a Ridgeback family, with a Corgi thrown in for good measure! He has been easily integrated into his new family, who are already working to lift his spirits and bring him back to a healthy weight. Update: Ruger unfortunately had some underlying health issues we were not aware of. His adopt turned into a hospice-type situation where he will receive palliative care for the remainder of his days.

SIMMS 10/11/21 - Simms is a six-year-old, purebred, neutered male. Simms is reactive to some men, not necessarily all men, but he might do better in a home with no men. He has been living with another RR and would likely do well in a home with a female RR. This rehoming is NOT an easy choice or decision for the current owner but is best for Simms. He is now with a foster in a multi-RR home and is making strides in learning to be respectful of everyone, regardless of gender. Update: Simms has found a wonderful home with a single woman and her 8-year-old female Ridgeback! She is very active with her girl, and now Simms will join the pack and be very well socialized!

JB (Jailbreak) 9/13/21 - Our funny JB came from a Southern California shelter. He had been surrendered after being hit by a car and suffering a broken back. We decided to give this guy a chance as he was young and otherwise full of life! He went straight to a great foster home, where with guidance from a vet he is recuperating well with lots of rest and love, without need for surgery. JB is a small guy, maybe 55 lbs. He LOVES the company of other dogs and will be a great addition to a family with another canine friend. He will be neutered after his back has healed. Update: JB, now called Jax, is fully recovered and off to his new home in Northern California, where he will have two little dogs to call his own! We are very happy for Jax.

DIESEL 9/11/21 -This beautiful, purebred livernose came to us with his brother, Duke. He was 72 lbs., 8 months old, and very fit and full of energy and enthusiasm! He is house-trained and affectionate, but does need training to learn some basic manners. He has been neutered, vaccinated and microchipped and is ready to start his new life! Update: Diesel has gone off to live with a perfect family in Northern California! They are eager to work with him and make him part of their pack, which includes a cat and another young Ridgeback who lives close by. He will have a wonderful life!

DUKE 9/11/21 - Duke is a stunning 8-month-old, 100-lb. boy! He is purebred but ridgeless. He came in with his brother Diesel, a livernose. You can imagine the energy held by a giant puppy … and Duke is no exception. House-trained and learning some commands, but definitely needs training. Very sweet and loving! Update: Duke, now called Kimba, is settling in his new home with a couple experienced with Ridgebacks. They can’t wait to work with him and get him out and about, wherever they go! Lucky guy

PHREDD 8/30/21 - Beautiful Phredd came into rescue as an owner-surrender, from a family with young children who had too many dogs and too much going on to deal with his ongoing puppy-ness at 8-10 months. He is a gem of a dog, and a big boy at 75 lbs. and still filling out. He loves other dogs and everyone he meets! He had a recurrent limp when he arrived. Chiropractic treatments have helped considerably. His limp does not get him down! He loves to romp and play and go for walks. He is a social boy. Phredd will make a great family dog! Update: Phredd blended in so well with his foster family that he is not going anywhere!! :)

STYXX 8/29/21 - This young ridged boy is heartworm positive and is undergoing treatment. He will need to be kept pretty quiet and live a sedentary life until he is no longer heartworm positive. He is a happy boy, very friendly and will give his new family so much love and affection. He has traveled all the way from Louisiana to California to get the treatment he needs and to find his forever home. Update 12/18/21 - Styxx has gone to his new home! He has a few more weeks of “bed rest,” but is enjoying spending quiet time out of his crate with his new family. They have provided him with fun mental stimulation, as of course he gets so bored lying around, hoping something fun will happen. Styxx, now Trigger, will have a great life and SO much fun when he gets to act like a real dog!!

BEAR 8/20/21 - Bear’s story was a tragic one of betrayal and abandonment. After being unceremoniously dumped waaay up in the hills on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere - along with a big pie of kibble tossed in the dirt - Bear lay patiently overnight next to what was intended to be his good-bye gift, waiting for someone to return for him. Of course that never happened. Fortunately a good citizen recognized what had happened and picked up this gentle boy and brought him to us. Though he is clearly not a Ridgeback, his story pulled at us and we made an exception, as we are known to do in such cases … Despite having been left the way he was, with further evidence of a sad past shown in the deep wound around his neck from being tied up, Bear showed no grudge against people. He flourished in rescue and seemed grateful for the security he was given. Once he was all healed up and neutered, microchipped and vaccinated, Bear went off to live with a lovely couple. Unfortunately the man had a severe allergic reaction to him, so Bear was returned. His bad luck continued into his next adoption, where he was confused and showed an overly-protective side of his single-owner adopter. Update: After reaching a consensus on exactly what it was that Bear needed to feel happy and safe, he went off with his new family, whom we have much faith will be his FINAL family. This boy does not deserve to have any more upheaval , mistreatment or misfortune in his life. Congratulations, Bear!!

BUDDY 8/08/21 - Buddy is a young dog who has had very little training but is sweet, funny, and has great potential. In his foster home, he was a cuddly, loving boy, very people-oriented. We think he is a mix of Rhodesian Ridgeback and either Sloughi or Azawakh, but he is definitely a mix of something tall with a curly tail! He came in with his brother Sully and his sister Claire, both of whom have been adopted! Update: Buddy, now Moose, went to his new home with great parents and two 8-year-old human siblings to play with. We can’t wait to hear more about his new life!

SULLY 8/08/21 - Sully is a young dog who has had very little training but is sweet, funny, and has great potential. We think he is a mix of Rhodesian Ridgeback and either Sloughi or Azawakh, but he is definitely a mix of something tall with a curly tail. He came in with his brother Buddy and his sister Claire. Update: Sully, now Cooper, has a new life with a great family, including two little kids. We are sure this big boy will fit right in!

CLAIRE 8/02/21 - Claire was pulled from an overflowing shelter where she was in desperate need of being saved! She is a pretty little mix, probably still under one year old - still a puppy. She is in a great foster home where she will decompress and learn to be nothing but happy! Although a bit shy around humans, she came alive when she met her foster Ridgeback brother - who is twice her size and then some. Probably due in large part to him, she is already opening up and accepting human love. So far, she is food motivated and shows eagerness to learn, and also finds her crate an easy and good place to take a break! She will make some lucky family a gentle, social and sweet companion. Update: Claire was adopted by a wonderful couple with no other pets currently - meaning she gets their full attention! Her dad recently described her new life: “Claire is quite a bundle of energy. We take her to enclosed dog parks twice a day and she chases and wrestles with anyone with four legs. She has also discovered the SF Bay and loves to swim. When she's at home, she spends most of her time in our yard hunting for varmints. Fortunately, she hasn't caught any yet.” She sounds like a big bundle of fun and energy to spare, and we are so glad she is settled in her forever home!!

PIE 7/21/21 - Pie is the boy who came to us from a crowded Central Valley shelter, infected with more ticks than looked possible! His coat was in bad condition and he had obviously been on his own for some time. Once the ticks were painstakingly removed and he was bathed and neutered, Pie felt much better physically. However he was scared and distrustful of humans. We are happy to say that after just a few weeks of being at rescue, Pie is a transformed dog! His coat is gorgeous, his ears (where most of the ticks had congregated) healed up nicely, and most importantly he finally realized that all humans are not bad! He is very happy and lovable and enjoys playing with other dogs. We are thrilled that he is now a safe and sound dog. Update: Pie went to live with with his foster dad and family with kids and other Ridgebacks! He is getting along great and has not picked up another tick …

MAVERICK 7/17/21 - Maverick came to us because his owner was unable to take him to his new location. He is a very big boy with a few pounds to lose. He has a very full and eye-catching ridge! He is said to be good with other dogs. We are still evaluating him and hope he will be ready for his new home very soon! Maverick is 3 years old and has been neutered. Update: Maverick has been adopted by the family who recently adopted his big sister, Pepper. They are now reunited and will be together forever at their new home. :)

PEPPER 7/17/21 Pepper is in rescue due to her owner not being able to take her to his new residence. She is purebred and just turned 7 years old. She needs to lose a little weight, but otherwise is healthy and sweet. She is said to get along with other dogs. We are still evaluating Pepper and she needs to be spayed. She should be ready soon for a brand-new, loving home! Update: Pepper and her little brother, Maverick, have been reunited at their new forever home - together! :)

DUKE July 2021 - Duke is a big Ridgeback mix, with a nice long ridge! He is a year and a half old and has yet to be neutered. He has lived outside most of his life and likes other dogs. He is not house trained but loves to be with people! Duke is a very strong boy, but is now learning to walk more politely on leash. He will make a fabulous companion for someone wanting a young male who will want to go everywhere with them! Update: A former adopter lost her Ridgeback not long ago, and realized her home was empty without a big boy. Along came Duke - perfect fit!

EARL July 2021 - Earl is a 5-month-old, very sweet puppy. His mother is a cattle dog and his father is a big Ridgeback cross of some type. Both Earl and his father, Duke, have long, beautiful ridges! Little Earl is in a foster home, learning house manners and being well-socialized before being quite ready for adoption. He is coming along fabulously, and is amazingly calm and intuitive for such a young boy. He is enjoying many new experiences, and has been friendly to all people and dogs he has met since being in rescue! Earl still needs to be neutered. We estimate (though this could change) that he will probably be around 60 lbs. when full grown. Update: Earl has been adopted by his foster family, whom he claimed as his own from the start. :) A DNA test found Earl to be made up of pretty equal parts Rhodesian Ridgeback, Labrador Retriever and Australian Cattle Dog, with a few other breeds thrown in for good measure. We just know he’s gorgeous!! Update #2: Early is such a great, steady and intuitive guy that he is being readied to work as a therapy dog!

OLIVER June 2021 - Oliver was discovered by one of our wonderful volunteers at a Northern California shelter, where he had been brought in as a sad stray. All contact information on his microchip was invalid and no owner came forward for this purebred, ridged, 11-year-old boy. He perked up immediately in his foster home, where he received nourishment, a bath, much-needed nail trim and lots and lots of love. He is a joy to have indoors and out - good with all people he has met and enjoys the company of other dogs. Update: Oliver spent a week of being spoiled and sleeping on a couch before moving on to his brand-new forever home with a brother to explore with. He is very spry for a senior and should have many happy years ahead!

ELLIE June 2021 - Sweet 16-year-old Ellie unexpectedly passed away the day before she was to go to her adoptive family. We consider her one of “ours” as we looked long and hard to find her a wonderful final home. Rest in peace, beautiful girl!

KISSLE June 2021 - Kissle is an 18-month-old ridged boy who has not had a good start in life. He and his brother, Milo, were lucky to get into a shelter and a rescue program! He is probably not house trained, he walks nicely on a leash and although he is very afraid of many things once he trusts you he is glued to your side. He came around quickly within days of leaving the shelter and his former life! Update: Kissle and his brother were adopted to two families who are friends, and they are already having many get-togethers!

MILO June 2021 - Milo is an 18-month-old ridged boy who has not had a good start in life. He and his brother, Kissle, were lucky to get into a shelter and a rescue program! He is probably not house trained, he walks nicely on a leash and although he is very afraid of many things once he trusts you he is glued to your side. Update: Milo and his brother were adopted to two families who are friends, and they are already having many get-togethers!

BELLA May 2021 - Bella is an unusual mix of Ridgeback and border collie. Unfortunate circumstances caused the need to rehome this sweet girl. Update: Bella is being loved by her new family.

CHARLEY May 2021 - Charley is a young mixed boy, very friendly and playful. He is neutered, well-mannered and ready for a new family. Charley fit right in to his new home, where he has a border collie mix brother to play with to his heart’s content! **Ridgebacks in Need received a generous donation in the name of Michelle Armstrong, our super volunteer who worked hard, drove LOTS and made sure Charley was well taken care of as he went off to his new home. We are forever grateful to not only the donor but to Michelle, too! Thank you both!!**

TAHOE May 2021 - This stunning boy came to us from a family who was unable to care for him anymore. Tahoe quickly ended up with a wonderful new family who is devoted to loving him forever!

LOKI April 2021 - Loki is a three-year-old pure bred boy who has been neutered and brought up to date on his vaccines. He does well with other dogs, children and adults but has never seen a cat. Loki ended up going to a great home, and later gained another Rincal rescue pup as his new little sister!

NOLAN April 2021 - Nolan is a gorgeous, purebred livernose. He was having a bit of trouble reacting to commotion and noise. He was fostered in an active home with four other male Ridgebacks, where he learned a LOT of appropriate behavior! Nolan fit in so well with the pack that ultimately he ended up staying with his new brothers permanently. Lucky boy!!

DAISY April 2021 - Courtesy listing! 10-month-old female mix.Update: Daisy was paired with a new veteran who lives in the same area as her original family, who had no good choice but to rehome her. She is now living a very active life and gets all the attention she deserves!

DEPOT April 2021 - Courtesy listing for Wet Noses Rescue in Punta de Mita, Mexico! 10-month-old male mix. Update: Depot, now Milo, was paired with a family who wanted a young, big, brown dog who was good with children. The match couldn’t have been more perfect!

BAYLA March 2021 - Bayla is 11 years old, and was saved from an unfortunate situation. He is great with other dogs, cats, and with kids. He is a purebred with a very pronounced ridge, and beautiful red/orange coloring. Bayla’s personality is silly, goofy and somewhat anxious at times. He loves snuggles in the morning and wants to be by your side constantly. He's pretty spry for 11! Update: Bayla was fostered by a loving Bay Area family who tended to his needs … He was found to be heartworm positive, which requires close monitoring during treatment, and has some incontinence issues as well. He adored his foster family’s attention and they loved him from the start. He became very attached to his foster mom. They were unable to part with him, and so Bayla will spend the rest of his years with the family who gave him a chance! We couldn’t be happier for him.

TEXAS BEAUTIES April 2021 - These two four-month-old sisters came from Texas via a tremendous effort by Amy Carr and Kim Paltz, who drove for hours to get them and bring them to California. They are adorable and both are now in their new homes! Update: Each of these sweet girls - Sasha and Harley - went to new homes in Northern California. Both were foster fails … the foster families just couldn’t part with them! Both girls are doing great and have new dog siblings to play with and learn from.

CALI March 2021 - California “Cali” is a 1.4-year-old very smart, sassy, and sweet pup. She loves playing, hiking, running free in a field or dog park and chasing after balls. She also enjoys cuddling after she has had her exercise. She is house trained and crate trained. She sleeps in her crate at night and relaxes in there periodically during the day. She knows sit, shake sometimes and down and picks up on commands quickly. Cali is an excitable dog and could use patience and support from her owners to work with her on some jumping and nipping when she gets excited and wants to play or when she hears loud noises. She can be very strong willed about wanting to play! And will sometimes be vocal about it. We’ve been making sure she gets lots of energy out and has mind stimulating toys to chew on and that has helped a great deal. She is a super loving dog once she trusts you and will not want to leave your side! Update: Cali was adopted by a couple who absolutely adores her! She will be loved and cared for without a worry from here on out.

LUCY February 2021 - Lucy is a two-year-old mixed breed girl. She is up to date on her vaccines and has been spayed. Lucy does well with other dogs, does not mind cats and seems to have good manners and some solid training. She is a sweet girl who traveled well in a crate and made herself at home in her foster home right away. She will be a great addition to almost any family. Update: Lucy, now Luna, went to live with a great family in Northern California! We hope you have a wonderful life, Luna!!
HANK “YOGI” January 2021 - Hank, affectionately referred to as Yogi, was a very special boy who was brought in as a hospice dog. He had an aggressive cancer that his owner couldn’t deal with. He was given a wonderful five weeks being treated like a king and loved every second by his generous foster mother and children, who took him in as one of their own. Yogi was spoiled relentlessly, and had what we feel were some of the happiest and most content times of his life with his new family. Although he wasn’t with them nearly long enough, he made a big impact on them and on those who met him. Yogi made a valiant effort to keep on going and enjoy all the good things, but finally it was his time. He passed peacefully, in the arms of those who loved him.

KAYLA January 2021 - Kayla was like a mini RR in a terrorist body - she is full of vim and vinegar. She kept everyone on their toes and now she lives with Apollo and manages to keep him obeying her every wish. Kayla is a little girl who we think is a RR mixed with Border Terrier.

APOLLO January 2021 - Apollo was sent to us from another rescue as his history was not altogether spotless! However, he deserved a chance to prove everyone wrong and he has done that many times over! He enjoys his new home and loves his little “sister” who is a terror on four legs. He does well with the mini horse and he adores his owner. Apollo is one fabulous boy.

BEN January 2021 - Ben is a three-and-a-half-year-old, neutered Ridgeback mix. He is a big boy and can be dominant but has some training. Update: Ben found a home with a young woman with lots of dog-friendly friends … He will have a wonderful time with new playmates.

SAFARI January 2021 - A ridgeless, purebred boy, Safari is huge and just needs the right home. He does well with people and has lived with another RR! Update: Safari found his home with a wonderful family with boys to play with!

ZOEY January 2021 - Zoey is a young Ridgeback mix. For some reason, her tail had been cropped - we will never know why. She is a good girl and likes other dogs.Update: Zoey was adopted by her foster family and their resident Ridgeback!

D’JANGO & SHEBA January 2021 - These two middle-agers came in together and left together! Thankfully they did not have to be separated, as their foster was willing to facilitate both and ultimately decided they should stay put!