Dogs with Dermoid Sinus
This page includes graphic surgery photos of dogs with Dermoid Sinus. Unless otherwise noted, all photos are property of Elizabeth Akers.
Tina & Mokie

Mokie was operated on at the age of about 15 months when his Dermoid was discovered. It was very extensive and difficult to remove - the Dermoid fits nicely into a pint size jar.

Tina is a mix of what looks like a Rhodesian Ridgeback and a Belguim Shepherd. She is nine years of age (in 2005) and has had three surgeries on this mess in her neck - her first surgery was at the age of about three years. This dog has been misdiagnosed for the past nine years. There seem to be a total of five “tubes” in her neck. The total internal scarring is severe.

My first close up view of part of her neck.

The neck has abscessed many times between surgeries but in this picture you can clearly see the “hole” in the middle of the tube.

Her ridge is quite well-defined!

In this picture, Tina’s head is to the left as she is hanging her head close to the ground
All the photos of Bailey are by courtesy of Bobbi Hightower of Cuddyridge RR.
One can see clearly the three telltale holes in Bailey’s neck. What follows is the surgery to remove all three Dermoids.